My Psychic Experiences
By Kae Schreiber
Hello. Today I'm writing about my personal Psychic Experiences.
One of my earliest experiences happened when I was 21 years old. One night, around midnight, I was sitting at my desk writing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a 3-D me sitting in my rocking chair knitting a baby blanket. Wow. It was surreal to see my own body sitting outside of myself, happily knitting this blanket. I started talking to her as it's my nature to ask a lot of questions in processing life.
I don't remember what we talked about. I was blown away by the experience. How does this happen in a quantum physics way with Matter materializing? I've been asking myself this question for fifty plus years. I do know God works in mysterious ways with Miracles.
At that time, I was only beginning to explore the world of Spirituality. It was 1971, when the East was meeting the West. At the time (and still today), I was interested in Buddhism, I Ching and all things Esoteric. I think it was the Beatles bringing back their experiences from India introducing meditation, Yoga, and a different way of looking at the world, which piqued my interest. I liked the gentleness of it.
As odd and surprising as it was, I accepted my knitting partner as a Gift coming to me. If it had been someone else, I would have probably freaked out.
I do believe she was my Higher Self who always knows the truth about me, for my Highest Good. I felt a loving and caring energy around her. From that time until today, I talk to her when I write in my journals or voice memos.
I begin, “Hi Angel,” or Sweetheart, as I feel she is me and yet outside of me. It's really cool to know that I have my own very best friend who will be with me forever. It's easier to write to her because I saw a physical person and it was very real.
I've always felt connected to God. I feel Spirit was sending me a message that I'm never alone, even if it feels like it sometimes. In my life, for every negative thing that's ever happened, an Angel has appeared to help me get through it.
Today I talked to Annabelle, a name I gave to her on a regular basis. It's the best part of me who acts as a gentle guide with direction and explanations when things don't make sense. I know it's from Spirit because it feels pure, sweet and wise.
If she suddenly tells me to jump off a cliff, I know that's not her. That would be an Energy Vampire I picked it up when I forgot my HazMat suit from Spirit. We must pay attention to who and what we let into our Energy Field.
I encourage you to find and connect with your Higher Self who knows what the script calls for, to keep some Perspective. Often, we can't see the forest for the trees. Connecting with your Higher Self allows a different view with clarity. Stay grounded with an open heart to receive all good coming to you.
Thank you for your time in reading this experience.
Kae Schreiber