Can you feel the split? Don’t you see it everywhere you look? Every day, the separation becomes clearer.
What I have heard is that everyone will remain on Earth, but will be increasingly aware of only the people in their group. The other people will fade away. It’s similar to how we might have kept in touch with some grade school friends, but lost touch with others. Those other people have faded from our consciousness. The division of the Earth will be a split in consciousness.
Earlier this month, I heard another explanation of this move apart.
Erin Riley, an energy worker and a psychic, provided this (paraphrased) explanation:
“The worlds are splitting. Some people refer to it as 3D, which is the physical world, versus 5D, which is the new world. I don't think that those are the true terms, but that's how everybody refers to them.
“A lot of people are choosing the 3D old world because they are souls who have not had a lot of experience in a 3D world and they're here for a specific reason. They are not through with their experience. They are choosing to stay because they need to complete this 3D experience.
“Others, who have been here many times, are ready to evolve and to create a new world. They will have the 5D experience.
“This split is why so many things in our world right now are diametrically opposed. The closer we get to the split, the more we are going to see people on opposite sides.
“There's not going to be any middle ground. You have to choose one or the other. At this point, if you do not choose, you will stay in the 3D world.”
At that point in the discussion, I asked if both groups would remain on Earth. How could two realities be here at the same time? Would the 5D group move into a non-physical vibration? The answer: No, the people doing the 3D experience and the people choosing the 5D experience would all live on Earth. They just would not be aware of each other.
Erin added, “It is simply a level of awareness. So, for instance, you might find a car that you think is really good that you want to buy. You don't think anybody else has anything like it. It will be unique. As soon as you buy it, you see those cars everywhere. It's not part of your awareness at one point, the same way that the people who choose to stay in a 3D world are not going to be part of your awareness.”
“Three D things will slowly fade as you become involved in things that are at a higher dimension, a higher vibration.”
What about people in the same household? In the same neighborhood? Could they live together? The answer: Things which are part of your focus and attention, will not be the same as theirs. You will gradually separate and won't be part of each other's awareness. As things separate, you won’t want to be around people who choose a different experience. If it’s too abrasive to be together, you will choose to spend less and less time in the same place.
In addition, people might go back and forth for a while. Some days, someone will feel like being in the 3D world. Other days, they will feel more like 5D. Some days, they will be angry or rooted in the third dimension. Other days, they will be more attuned
Erin had previously mentioned that she thinks the split will become very evident by the end of this year.
It may sound like a theoretical splitting on Earth, but it’s not. You can see the split every day when you read the news. The clearest example is politics. We are a divided country. Half of us want to go move forward, while half of us yearn for the past.
One of the ways you can choose which group you are with, 3D or 5D, is your vote. This election, vote your conscience. Vote for good. Vote for the way you want the world to evolve. Think about integrity, joy, fairness and equality.
No candidate will accomplish all the things they propose, so look beyond the promises. Look for the kind of people who you would enjoy having as leaders. What is your vision for the future?
Make your choice. Get out there and vote!