2023 Predictions from The Operator
Phew! Is it a new year yet? What would it feel like for a year to be new? What is a year, anyway?
Welcome to a bewildering new world. In 2022, we realized that we couldn't do what we'd been planning. You tried all year, though, didn't you? At least until August, I'm sure you did. Some of you are still trying. How's that working for you?
If you haven't noticed the frustration of not being able to make things happen, good for you. It means you've been focusing on everything that's been working in your life. Nothing grand is working, is it? Fortunately, plenty of small things are working.
The key to 2023, at least this first quarter, is to focus on what's working. Please, stop trying to make cohesive sense out of your life, and stop trying to make cohesive sense out of the world around you. Do what's working and keep your thoughts on what's working.
We experienced more destructuring in 2022, and we aren't finished yet. This is a continuation of the destructuring process that began in 2020.
In my predictions from previous years, I've written about a revolution in healthcare in the United States (where I'm writing from), as well as about a trend toward universal basic income. When I reach out to read these topics now, I see a glassy screen. My understanding of this is that any read of them now would be from the point of view of systems that are still being destructured. The future cannot be read from here.
I'll tell you what I do see: The big split happened. I had suspected we were moving toward a big schism, but I'd assumed it would be in the visible, practical world. Instead, what I see is that the visible, practical world has become even more like itself, while the vibrational world has split into two.
This split, underground world, so to speak, is divided by people's intentions. In one half are the people who are still planning to go back to normal as soon as they can. In the other half are the people who have cut their ties with the past and agreed to go forward into something new, something they haven't imagined yet.
Remember how I told you back in 2020 that we were learning to create in a new way? This new way is through thoughts and intentions.
There are two places to be now, and each cannot see into the other. I used to be able to read the divisions in the whole collective, but now I'm solidly on the side I'm on and can't see into the other side. I feel surprised to find myself here. I didn't expect to lose touch with the whole.
What I see is that more information will be available after we make it through March. Hang on tight. I will update you then.
Stay focused on what's working. If it feels good to you, it works for you. If it feels bad to you, put your attention somewhere else. You don't have to fix the problems right now.
While this may be revised in April, for now I'm calling this year 2023: The Year We Think about Love Instead of Everything Else.
The Operator
(505) 321-1256
My note: "The Operator" uses that title because she has a direct line to The Other Side. If you are interested in contacting someone there, give her a call.