I was shocked and saddened by my friend’s passing.
I was distracted by the back-and-forth of decision-making when there’s no clear, correct answer.
In casual conversation, I told a psychic, “I’m unfocused.” She laughed, “Life’s a kaleidoscope and you’re trying to focus!”
“Life’s a kaleidoscope.” I like that. Things change. Life depends on where you focus each day.
Let me add that I recently had an actual reading with a psychic/astrologer. I asked about my writing and he said that things are going to pick up. He explained, “In terms of that energy that you miss from years ago, it’s going to come back. It may not come back in the same way, where people are all in one place [like a Psychic Fair], but you are going to find something and it starts with the new year; December 31, actually, when Jupiter moves back into Pisces. Be patient during this time. Carve out your nook in your home. There is going to be more material.
“Coming out of this experience globally, people are questioning their reality. ‘What is going on?’ They are going to want to know about these sorts of things. All you have to do is put yourself out there.”
Hopeful again.
A text just came in – distracted again.
Back to the old adage: “Where attention goes, energy flows.” A new year arrives tomorrow night. I want to focus on my writing, my art, my family, and my friends. I’ve asked a few psychics for their 2022 predictions, but I haven’t yet heard back from them. So, I’m on my own, figuring out how to create a satisfying new year. You too?
Let’s return to hope and light. Let’s find joy, while still maintaining a healthy physical distance from people we don’t know and a healthy emotional distance from those who disturb us. We survived this year. 2022, we are counting on you to provide the framework for new, positive, adventures.
Happy New Year!