The first 10 years of this Project were devoted to interviewing people about their lives and their psychic abilities. During that time, I did 37 interviews which resulted in 32 Kindle e-books. Most of the psychics were thrilled to have a written record of their journey, but not everyone was ready to go public. The last interview I did was with John Hunter. Our interview was published as an e-book in 2018. You can find the list of interviews by clicking here.
The first 26 interviews were mined for information and compiled into a book entitled, “My Psychic Search: discovering what psychics do, what psychics know, and how they can help us improve our lives.” What a wealth of information!
How did I find psychics to interview? At first, I interviewed psychics who I knew. Then I interviewed the people they recommended. Then, fascinating people began showing up in my life. When I heard snippets of their life stories, I wanted to know more.
What happened after I finished the interviews? The Project morphed into one where I was listening to people who channeled information, then publishing those messages. The channeled information contained amazing insights. You can find many of these post in the blog archives.
Now that we are in the midst of the coronavirus era, I am no longer meeting new psychics in person and most of the channeling sessions have been canceled. What will become of this Project? I am not sure.
At first, I thought that I would become more psychic as I worked on this project and I would blog my own messages. I can’t judge whether or not I’ve become more psychic, but I do know that whatever changes may have occurred so far are not enough for me to write blogs on my own. I still need source material.
A few months ago, I spoke to Spirit saying, “If there is anything you want me to share on the blog, you need to bring the material, or the people, to me.” Later that day, a psychic called to tell me she had been inspired to do a channeling session and she invited me to participate. :)
Finally, another psychic gave this message to me: “The next portion of your life will be about, ‘This is what I celebrate.’ Fascinating. There are many ways that this message could manifest in my life. For one thing, I have been making “Wild Girl!” artwork for 20 years. I present these pieces as “Life Celebration Pins.” These pins celebrate the things we love to do: baking, reading, coffee drinking, wine drinking, traveling, etc. You can see some of the “Wild Girls!” on my other website:
For another thing, I have no idea where “This is what I celebrate” may lead. However, I think it will be a fun journey. Don’t you want to spend the rest of your life celebrating the things you love to do?!?
So, I’m wrapping up 12 years of blogging. Let me know if you have any insights on where this project will go. I’ll listen with an open mind. Then, who knows what might happen? Not me. I’m along for the ride. So far, it’s been a lot of fun.
Take care.
P.S. I am still collecting recommendations for psychics. Anyone who sends their suggestions to me, will receive a list of the recommendations. Please include the psychic’s contact information.