We are here on Earth because we have a desire to grow, to expand, and to know more.
When we are not pushing forward, we often find it is easier to repeat patterns (even when we don’t care for those patterns), than to make something happen. We relax into inertia. We make the same art, or draft the same book, or date the same person, because we know how to do it.
We call it loyalty. Loyalty to a person, to a project, or to a company. Loyalty is fine as long as the thing to which we are loyal, serves us as well as we serve it. When the balance of energy changes, and we are no longer benefiting from the project (in terms of our interest, growth, or development), it’s time to move on and try something new.
When we choose the changes in our lives, things can happen quickly.
However, evolution also happens on its own, in its timeframe. Sprit says that everything changes:
“Everything is transitional. That's important for people to know so they don't feel stuck or they don't feel like, ‘It will always be this way.’ Individuals who fall in love, when they are in a state of euphoria, think it will always be that way. They need to understand that, at one point, they were strangers who had a euphoric union, and they will eventually become strangers again. That is the evolution of life.
“Trees can be barren and look like nothing is happening. Then, all of the sudden, there will be small blossoms. Then, all of the sudden, there will be leaves. Seasons change. When people have that awareness, they are no longer so resistant to the changes that happen in society, in families, in marriages, with spouses, with our selves.”
Natural change happens at it’s own pace. However, we can accelerate the rate of change by making new choices. By doing something new. By mastering a lesson so we can move to the next lesson or the next level of experience.
We have to figure it out. Do we prefer being the underdog struggling to survive? The worker bee in a group? The master of a project, making decisions and seeing growth, but being responsible to other people? Would we rather slip out under the radar and take a trip?
Spirit says:
“Live by choice. You created and designed this life for what you wish to experience, whatever adventures you are seeking. When you are out there, what do you choose to align with? The Universe is ready to furnish whatever it is to make it happen.”
If we are trying to make money, we make one set of choices. If we are striving for soul growth, we make a different set of choices. We determine what we want in our lives.
The possibilities of our life are not determined by where we are at this moment. The possibilities of life exist in our imagination.
Spirit remarked:
“Your path is laid out before you. Most people think of a path as singular – there is only one. However, that is not true. There are left turns, right turns; there are overpasses, underpasses. Thought is the limit. In reality, everything is possible. The only limit is your ability to be creative in designing what you want to experience.
“Many individuals are stuck in a groove: wake up, go to work, come home, visit with friends. It’s a routine. Where does this routine take them? Where is the experimentation with the energies? Where is that drive to experience something new? To create something new?”
Every day, we make choices which either move our lives forward, or help us stay where we are. If we are happy where we are, it’s fine to remain here. If we want something else, we can seek an adventure.
And if we are too lazy to get off the couch? Without making outward changes, we can make inward changes. We can upgrade our thoughts. We can set compassion as our goal. We can add prayer to our life. We can spread kindness.
Let’s keep moving forward in whichever direction we choose.
P.S. These quotes from Spirit came from a variety of channeling events over several years.