This year, we are navigating new kinds of holiday events and non-gatherings. Although they may be different from past years, we can still find joy in the moments if we focus on the moments, and not on the past.
“The Christmas of the Now” applies to all of the holidays: Hannuka, Kwanza, etc. Enjoy everything you can. Here is the message:
“Each of you has seen or heard of the story that involves the ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Future. Ask yourself, how much are you are still ruled by a ghost of Christmas past?
“Many people cling to memories of how things used to be and compare them with their expectations of how things are now. Or, they hold memories of how things should have been, and allow that to affect their feelings about Christmas, or Hannuka or Kwanza or Festivus, or any of those holiday celebrations.
“Some people look forward with longing to a Christmas Future and wish that things could be that way this year. We urge you to examine, within your own being, how much the Ghost of Christmas Past or the Ghost of Christmas Future affects your holiday understanding, your holiday mood. Is it possible that those memories, those expectations, those judgments, will affect and suppress the joy you can have if you focus just on The Christmas of the Now?
“Focus just on The Christmas of the Now, with all of the joy that you can bring forth, with all of the love you can bring forth, with the feeling of goodwill and compassion to all mankind.
“By ‘The Christmas of the Now,’ we don’t mean the Christmas on December 25th, until it is December 25th. ‘The Christmas of the Now’ means the moment that you are in, whether it be walking through the stores and seeing the crowds, or hearing Christmas music, or driving out of your neighborhood, seeing all the Christmas lights. Whether it means enjoying the goodies at the office party, or preparing things for those you love while you are at home. That is what we refer to as ‘The Christmas of the Now.’ The Christmas of this moment, not the moment of the 25th, until the 25th arrives.
Focus on ‘The Christmas of the Now.’ Hold that in consciousness as you go through these glorious, wonderful days until the end of the holidays. The more you can focus on ‘The Christmas of the Now,’ the more you will be focused on the joy and the love and the peace and the happiness, moment by moment, after the holiday season is done. Use this time for practice. It is a good time to practice because all consciousness is growing right now as people allow themselves to get into the Christmas spirit. Now is a good time for you to practice being in The Christmas of the Now.