- Stepping Back
"Learn how to step back and not judge what is going on in world events. Focus primarily on your world and what you are creating in your life. That will empower you to send more love and light out into the world, helping to create peace and harmony. It starts with you as an individual. Work on creating your world and perfecting that and that will have an echoing effect. It goes out like the wave, like the rock hitting the water, and the little waves going out farther and farther. You have an effect on the whole world.
"Don’t concern yourself so much with what is going on out there. What negativity is going on, what is playing out. Those roles have been pre-designed by those individuals and it is their choice to be doing what they are doing. Let it be your choice to send love and light and blessings into the world, and live that in your individual world. Your special space that you create in. Work on perfecting that and having fun with it.
"The more fun you have, the more joy you bring to the world, and the more power you bring forth to bring more joy to your world and to the world as a whole. Joy is a wonderful, positive energy. A very powerful energy. A very influential energy."