Life’s difficulties can be overwhelming. A few weeks ago, a Spirit Guide reminded us of the importance of growing through challenges, not hurrying through them. Here are some of the highlights of the channeled message:
1) Life has challenges
Some situations in life are not sweet. Who and what you are, was not made by the good moments in life. Who and what you are, was made by overcoming tremendous challenges. You faced these challenges as best you could and you came out the other side.
2) Work on yourself, not others
Too many people are trying to do what is not their place, their job, or their calling, to do.
If you are trying to solve, fix, or correct someone else’s situation, you need to redirect your energy and take care of yourself. Focus on what is transpiring within yourself which needs to be healed. Focus on it and heal it.
Teach by example. When you take care of yourself and live in gentleness and kindness, you provide that example to others.
If you are running yourself ragged, you are lowering your vibration. When your energy is lower, you add to the lower, heavier vibrational energy that is out there. Instead, release and let go of the things you no longer need in your life.
3) Life needs variety
In music, many elements are necessary for there to be a melody, a harmony, beauty, and creativity. Similarly, lives cannot be all one ingredient. Life is many, many, many different opportunities happening at once. Lives should not be the stagnant energy that some people so diligently try to create, maintain, and sustain.
Just like the seasons wait for no one, the human body waits for no one. Do what you can, while you can.
4) Growth
If you are going through a particularly challenging opportunity, do not hurry through it. Savor it. Understand it. Grow through it. Then move on. If you rush any learning process, you will not complete the process and you will re-create that scenario to finish the lesson and finish the understanding. People repeat lessons until they understand them.
5) Accept that some things are what they are
Those who desire to be six inches taller can wish and hope and pray all they want, but that is not going to happen. Those who wish their feet were three inches smaller – that is not going to happen. Sometimes, people need to accept that what is happening has nothing to do with them. It is divine order and divine timing.
Do not fight what is so present and powerful in your lives. It would be like saying, “I’m going to wish it to be cooler.” It is warm. It is summer. It is Arizona. You can adjust your clothes, or lower the thermometer to feel it differently, but you were not made to command the weather for all others.
* * *
So . . . I began thinking about the challenges and lessons in my life. Had I learned anything over the years?
One thing I had learned is that in difficult situations, you have to do what needs to be done. It’s a pragmatic approach. One of my babies cried for two and a half years. All we could do was walk the house holding and comforting her, and wait for this to pass. We brought in help. We sent her to daycare. We reminded ourselves to breathe. After a few years, she adjusted. We finally slept.
Once we had completed this “coping stage” of life, we were able to enjoy a growing, expressive phase.
Another lesson had to do with designing a new way to live as an adult. Just because we were brought up in a certain manner, doesn’t lock us in. We can choose to live in a healthier way.
Here’s another one: Life has enough drama. There’s no need to add to it.
Finally, I’ve created and invented many things. While I have not had huge commercial success, I’ve discovered that if you are an artist, you weave artistry into every aspect of life. It makes birthday parties better. It makes funerals better (photo boards). It infuses Halloween with handmade costumes and cookie art. It manifests as baby quilts for friends, a tie-dye wedding bear for a bride, and parties which people remember (in a good way).
The lesson? While striving for commercial success, remember to enjoy everyday success.
Life seems to cycle in up and down phases. If you are in the coping stage of life, I wish you well. If you have survived this pragmatic period, welcome to the creative stage of life. It’s a stage of life (as in a period of time) and it’s a theatrical stage on which to design the adventure of your life.
What have you learned? You can send your thoughts to me at, or post them in the comments section.