Maryushka answered:
“At the moment of death, their energy leaves the living plane that we are on. It goes to the next level of energy. From there, most people hook right up with the people who love them. They see the white light, they go down the tunnel. There, they are with their people.
“I believe in the doubling of the soul so that all of your people, your relatives, are there waiting for you when you go. There is no ‘Never Never Land’ where you are stuck. I know that there are ghosts who are stuck, who can’t move on. I don’t know why. I know you can help them let go of this plane and move on to the next plane. Most people have people waiting to greet them and help them. The thousands of reports of near-death experiences all tell the same basic story of the white light, the tunnel, and the relatives. There’s Jesus, there’s Mary. It depends on who you are looking for. They are there to get you to the place you are supposed to be. You stay there.
“When you are ready to reincarnate, a piece of you stays there and a piece of you comes down to do more Earthly learning because there are situations which you can’t learn there. Plus, you need to test your free will. There, it’s not necessary. You are all-empowered. Your learning is different. I can’t tell you how it is different because I am not there. I don’t remember the other side.”