“2020 is going to create a lot of work, and work-related, issues.
“There is going to be an effect on land and property, whether it has to do with land values going down or major issues taking place because of our world situation, weather-wise. It will create problems with property, for everybody.
“We are going to see more road rage and more anger. We are seeing it in the paper now, on a day-to-day basis. It’s just getting started. It’s going to get worse. People are in a hurry and they are not paying attention. They just know, ‘I need it now.’
“Health and healing. Health is going to be an issue for a lot of people. It’s an excellent year to pay attention to health. Some doors are going to open, so healing opportunities become available for the majority. They are going to find answers for something. They are going to change something we do health-wise. Some issues will be fixed. Something is changing.
“It’s a good year for everyone to take a look at their personal health. This is a year when we can build a good bridge for moving forward.
“However, we are going to see more people checking out this year.
“Politically, it is going to be a nightmare. They can’t get a grip. They are too busy being angry at everyone else and not paying attention to what they have contributed to the negative side of it. If they would quit infighting and start looking at real problems, we could stand a better chance of having a more-peaceful situation.
“What is going on in Washington, we see in the streets, in our schools, after games. Everyone is angry. Politicians are supposed to help the country, but they are making it worse. They are infighting and they aren’t solving anything. They are creating more problems.
“The election, a lot of people aren’t going to like it, but I think Trump is going to win again. Believe it or not, it’s not as bad as everyone thinks it is. If you take a look at jobs, we have more people working now than we have had in ages. The economy hasn’t been this good in years. We are looking at the scale of imbalance and that is the problem.
“No one is doing anything in Washington to help the people. They are too busy infighting. For G-d sakes, grow up.
“We are going to see more weather issues. There is also going to be a lot of anger. More things in the streets, more mass shootings.
“However, some things are going to be made known which will make a difference down the road. It may take a year or two after this coming year, for things to happen. There are going to be some good changes.
“It’s time. If people continue with the anger, they are hurting themselves.
“A four year could be a good building year, if we build together. If we all get together and work on this, anything could happen in a positive way.”
Thank you, Patricia, for sharing your thoughts with us!