I appreciate my family, friends, and pets.
A home with heat, air conditioning, running water, and indoor plumbing (all the good stuff!)
Ziploc bags and rubber bands.
A life where I have the flexibility to choose how to spend my time.
I am grateful for people who read this work.
For people who share their stories with me so I can share them with you.
For psychics who live their lives listening to Spirit.
For psychics who provide personal insights for me.
For psychics who channel messages so we can all learn about life.
For Mediums who speak to those in Spirit, confirming the other side exists.
Since my mother passed away, I have heard from her a few times. Mediums have helped me understand that her transition is going well.
I am grateful for the beautiful weather in Tucson, AZ, where we can sit outside and enjoy birds singing on Thanksgiving Day.
My heart goes out to the people and animals in CA who are dealing with the wildfires and their aftermath. I am also thinking about the people whose homes were flooded on the east coast. Their stories no longer make the evening news, but their struggles continue.
I am grateful for daughters who are old enough, and competent enough, to host Thanksgiving dinner so I don't have to clean my bathrooms.
For a husband who supports my inquisitive work and laughs at my quirky observations of life.
For grocery stores stocked with food, and a reliable car to take me to these grocery stores.
For a dog who keeps me company as I write. Who pretends, along with me, that I'm talking to her and not just rambling aloud like a lunatic.
For meditation time -- a chance to connect with myself, my Guides, my angels, and the Universe. Occasionally, I have a brilliant insight. Mostly, I enjoy peace and calm. Unfettered thoughts drift through my mind. I pray for other's healing, and express gratitude to the Earth for providing us with such a lovely home.
For a world where we can experience a full range of emotions. Peace and calm in our homes. Anger and turmoil in the world. Compassion for sick or suffering people and animals. Joy for a beautiful day.
For books which entertain, fill in the gaps in our understanding, and provide fresh perspectives.
For the good health and financial security which underpin my life and allow things to flow.
For my supportive group in the unseen world which moves the props so I can go anywhere and find the perfect place for me to be.
We live in a physical world of cause and effect, and surprise. I like to believe that magic is a part of our lives. That we will hear just the right story at the right time. That we can discover people who walk between worlds, and who understand how the seen and unseen support each other.
We can travel the arc of our lives, the arc of our careers, the arc of our family duties, then return to the other side. From there, with a broader view, we can choose to dip into physical life again; living, learning, and experiencing every kind of situation.
I am grateful to have the kind of life where I can explore these ideas and still feel awe and wonder with every discovery.
I hope that you, too, are enjoying a life of family, work, and wonder. Have a terrific Thanksgiving!