1) Past-life readings,
2) Channelings, and
3) Spirit-based research at archeological sites.
When Susan does past-life readings, she sees a movie in her head and she tells the client what she sees. Susan can move forward and backward in time while viewing this movie. However, if there is something which the client needs to hear, the movie stops. It doesn’t move again until Susan explains whatever Spirit wants the client to know. Some of the readings are for fun. Other readings help the client heal from past-life issues which are affecting their current life.
While doing these readings, Susan can answer all kinds of questions from the client. She is not limited to their past lives. She can see future events, communicate with those on The Other Side, and work with angels and Guides.
When Susan channels information, about 85% of her consciousness recedes into a small room on the right side of her abdomen. About 15% of her consciousness is aware of the channeled information which is coming through her. During these events, she can see pictures in her mind and describe the images to the audience. Channeling is generally done with a small group of people in the room.
Susan channels information which applies to everyone. When questions are asked, she can answer them. Through her channeling, we get a bigger picture of life and death, and the workings of the universe.
For example, Susan channeled this idea which I return to often:
“Spirit has consistently said that we need to live our lives to the greatest manifestation of who we are, to the very edge of where we are comfortable, where we think we can’t possibly achieve any more. Once we stand there, we will see that there is as much there, as where we have come from. Once we get out there, we see more. They are trying to stretch our thinking to allow us to believe in miraculous things, because we can do those things.”
Susan’s third area of expertise involves going to ancient sites, meditating, and asking why the sites were created and how they were originally used. Susan explained that written history only goes back so far. Beyond that, there are ruins and archeological sites, but there isn’t much information about what went on at those sites. Archaeologists piece together the physical materials and guess about the past. Using Susan’s ability to see the past, she views images of theses sites in use. She sees the people who lived at the time, what they did, and the basic characteristics of their communities. This work is similar to the past-life readings she does for individuals, but is for an entire community.
I interviewed Susan last year and our interview should be available for you to read in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, if you would like a reading with Susan, you can contact her at mothergoodness@yahoo.com.