Years ago, Randy channeled a message reminding us how much good we can do in the world. Obstacles may appear dark and heavy, but we have the power to shed light on them.
This is the message:
Good evening one and all.
As the days pass, energies continue to rise to a higher frequency than has ever before been here on planet Earth. Each and every one of you are a part of what is going on. Each of you are here to hold the light, to hold the frequency, to hold the peace that is in your heart, to hold the love, the divine love, within your heart. Be aware of what the net final outcome will be: heaven on Earth.
As the general energy frequency increases to the higher levels of the fifth dimension, there are varied frequencies. Pain, hurt, disease, death, and anger, those energies which most people associate with negative energies, are lower energies, not negative energies. The lower energies are being forced up so they can be transmuted. This is the purging, the cleansing of Earth, as in what the Bible has said, “the time of the gnashing of teeth.” The disruption of what the norm had been. Those lower energies must be removed.
What you see with many people is confusion and pain. They don’t realize that their energy body has stored many of these energies and they are literally being stripped, so these individuals can once again live. If they can release, and let go, and leave it behind, there are very few issues. When an individual feels confused, doesn’t understand what is going on, and fights it, they hurt. Those are the people who have difficulty moving forward in life. Because we are all one, you can hold your light for them, and help calm the sea. That is why you are here. You do not need to make physical contact with these individuals, just hold the light.
In your daily travels, as you think about your personal life and notice what is happening on the outside, are you neutral, are you positive, or are your thoughts on the lower end of the spectrum? The easy way to analyze it: when you think about what the world is doing and why it is turned upside down, are your thoughts adding to the light, or are they not adding to the light? It is that simple. For each thought you add to the light, because light is infinitely more powerful than dark, you can help calm the sea. This is your power. Your thoughts, your light, can be more powerful than a million individuals in the dark.
All we ask, and what you agreed to do, was simply to hold the light. In these turbulent times, hold the light and watch the turmoil dissipate.
Do not judge. Do not lose your sense of peace. Give blessings and prayers for understanding. Because we are all one, those prayers are very powerful.