As we go through this coronavirus “crisis,” we have a wonderful opportunity to raise the vibration on Mother Earth to the levels which are necessary for evolutionary growth. We are going through a process of dismantling old ways of thinking and bringing in new realities.
This blog post is based on a recently channeled message:
Open the window of your mind and allow the breezes to flow through. Allow the breezes to blow out things that no longer serve you, so that you fully feel, take in, understand, comprehend, and sense who and what you are, and why you are here.
Let go of ideas, limitations, beliefs, tapes, and dogmas, which are not empowering you.
You are not who you were yesterday. You are not who you were this morning. You grow, expand, and evolve. This will continue all the days of your life. Every experience, every breath, every word that you utter has had an effect on you and has changed you.
You were not meant to keep yourself small. You were not meant to be that seed that didn’t blossom. You were meant to bust out of that hard shell and reach up into the ethers; to be so much more, not only for yourself, but as nourishment for those around you.
The vibrations of the people you spend time with are continuously shifting. Shifting in default happens often. Shifting in awareness is truly the manifestation of masters.
Manifestations can come quickly when you allow your vibrational energy to expand. This will leave you less solid and stuck on vibrations that no longer empower you. Old vibrations are like wearing a jacket that is too tight. The jacket may have been very comfortable when you first got it, but it no longer serves you. It doesn’t allow you to reach for all there is.
As you shift, you will begin to view other individual’s perspectives. You will hear other people’s thought processes and have absolutely no judgement because that was you, how many vibrations ago? That was you, how much awareness ago?
We are all in process. We are meeting each other at different places on the same path. You don’t know whose vibration is walking next to you. Nor do they know the vibration walking next to them.
If you allow your vibrational energy to expand, you will have much greater compassion for other individuals who you meet on the path of life. This is your true purpose for being here – to assist other vibrational energies who are walking with you on the path at this time; until you meet at another depot. Until you are at another station. Until you get elsewhere.
Some people get on the path, others get off. There is a shifting. Some go to The Other Side. Some continue to develop here and be examples for those on the path.
Let this energy expand. It behooves you and enriches you. It is your manifesting energy. It is who and what you are. It is your purpose for being here.
We are all at different stops on the same path. Some are ahead of others. These leaders can see that the people who are a few stops back, are the people they used to be.
Now that you have more time at home, use that time to meditate, to send out love, to send prayers and good vibes to those in need. If you use this time wisely you, the people around you, and Mother Earth, will reap huge benefits.