“2020 is going to be a very difficult year for everybody. This difficulty will either keep people fumbling and starting over or, if they go with the flow, it will launch them forward. It’s a very changing year. Everything is going to be changing. If they are not going with the flow and really relaxing with it, they are going to fumble and have to start from the beginning.
“You know you are going with the flow when everything is easy. Life isn’t supposed to be hard. You are not supposed to be fighting and struggling. When you are fighting and struggling, it is because you are not doing what you are meant to do. When you go with what you are meant to do, everything lines up. It happens.
“How did you feel when you started your business?”
I answered, “Pretty good.”
Kaci replied, “Pretty flowing? Not too difficult? Things fell into place? This is because it was in line with what you were supposed to be doing. If you look at other relationships that you’ve had, like dating, maybe it was rough and you were struggling. That’s because it wasn’t meant to be and you weren’t listening to intuition.
“If you are struggling and want to get back in the flow, reassess your life. Really look, ‘I tried this how many times? I failed at it.’ You keep trying, with the same mindset, in the same way. You have to get out of that mindset and start expanding your horizons. If you can’t do it yourself, seek out someone who can help you, like me, as a Tarot card reader. Find someone who can give you an alternate perspective which will change your way of thinking so you can try something new.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Thank you, Kaci!
Most months, you can find Kaci at the Mystic Messengers Psychic Fair. You can also contact her by e-mail at kaci.pielstick@gmail.com, or by phone, 520-585-9019.