This is how the reading began:
“We are going to focus on our breath. Know that this breath has been around for eons. It has been blessed by the sacred ones; by the masters who walked on Mother Earth. It is life sustaining energy. We visualize it coming in with the divine healing light vibration. Healing every aspect of our body from our beautiful little toenails to the ends of our hair. We resonate and vibrate in divine, loving, light.
“We are illumined. We are enlightened. We are guided. We are blessed. We are a blessing.”
Don’t you feel relaxed just reading that passage?
Later, a message came through that this psychic and I are “Joy Guides.” We are able to lighten the energy around us and share this elevated energy with others. That message felt right.
After that, I received personal messages which made me feel good about the work I do.
Spirit said that the art and writing I do, are more than just the products I produce. Because I put positive vibes into these endeavors, they act as avenues to channel upbeat energy into this world.
My art helps people smile. If someone sees a “Wild Girl!” or a piece of glass, it usually entertains them. Then, if they buy something and give it as a gift, it brings joy to a second person, who might show it to a third person. The art spreads a little lightheartedness. I needed to hear that.
With my writing, I am happy to share the messages I hear. The insights help us understand how life works.
I also enjoy the whole idea that we are spiritual beings living in a world of energy. We can absorb, and influence, energy. We can uplift the vibration around us, then share it with others.
I am honored to be the person who is allowed to listen to sacred messages, transcribe them, and share them with you.
When you read these blogs, I hope you feel a sense of hopefulness; that maybe things are on the right path, or can be guided toward the proper course. I hope you see that we are each on our individual journey, moving forward, gaining experiences, enjoying this life, and paving the way towards our next life. We can learn what we like and what we don’t like. Then we can use those insights to improve the rest of this life and to create the parameters for future lives.
Take a breath and relax. Think about something beautiful. When you find a way to brighten the world around you, you are a Joy Guide too.
If you would like a reading of your own, you can contact a psychic. One way to find a good one is to attend a psychic fair and scope them out. Fairs are hard to find in Tucson because they do so little advertising. However, I found two fairs which are happening next weekend:
Saturday, December 10, from 10:00 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Tamara Spiritual Center
3002 E Ft Lowell Rd · Tucson, AZ
On the Second Saturday of every month, Tamara Foundation holds a psychic fair with intuitives, Tarot Card readers, Oracle Card readers, Mediums, and psychics.
The cost is $20 for 20 minutes.
Sunday, December 11, from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Tucson Metaphysics Fair
Elks Lodge at 1800 N Oracle Rd, Tucson, AZ 85705
This fair is usually held on the third Sunday of each month. Due to the December holidays, it moved to the second Sunday this month.
Each psychic sets their own rate for readings.
Let me know if you have an interesting reading.