“You are here to hold the light. You do have a little, shall we say, extra-curricular activity, as you experience life. You experience love. You come from divine love. You know divine love. You are here to experience love in the physicality; love failures, love successes. Every type of love you can imagine. None are failures for you do achieve in every one.
“‘Love of self’ is the one that most have difficulty with during his incarnation. Love of self. How many can look in the mirror and say, ‘I love you’? We’ve spoken of this many times. It is one of the primary reasons you are here: to experience this, to understand it. And to understand how easy it is for those in physicality to be pulled away from it for various reasons, most just programming.
“Holding the light and showing others the way back home, helping them to see that there is more than just this life, that is your primary purpose. You cannot change their experience, their programming, their contracts. Each, as you all know, is individual. Each person creates their own experience and each is responsible for that experience. There is no blame. There is no right. There is no wrong. There just is. That is one reason that we repeatedly say, ‘Do not judge.’”
Randy, November 2015