Two people told me about their visits to Hell. Neither person was sent there as a punishment. Both were having near-death experiences (NDEs), were curious about Hell, and asked to visit the place. They wanted to see how Hell compared to the version they had read about in the Bible.
Most psychics have told me that when you pass to The Other Side, you experience what you expect to experience. Common occurrences include (1) being escorted by someone you love and trust, (2) having a life review, and (3) feeling a tremendous love; being infused and surrounded, by love.
But what if you expect something different? What if you expect to go to Hell? Is Hell a real place? Many Intuitives have told me that Hell isn’t a physical location; however, if enough people believe it is real, their mass consciousness can create such a place.
Barbara Wilcox told me about her trip to Hell during an NDE. After she passed out, she experienced massive love, had a conversation with Jesus, and underwent her life review. She said that when Jesus told her she had to return to life, she argued with him. She didn’t want to go back. She told him that she wanted to see Hell. He refused, but she insisted. She was curious. She was an explorer. He relented.
This woman was lowered to Hell in a cage, with an angel on each side, to protect her.
She reported that Hell was similar to what she had read. This is her condensed story:
“I went straight down this dark tunnel. Whoosh! It took a while. It was like being on an elevator. When I stopped, it was pitch black. Once my eyes adjusted, I saw two giant angels, one on each side of me. When I looked down, there was Hell. It is built in levels. Like a pit. Actually, it is a pit. There were demons and horrible beasts. There were horrible flying things, like birds with pointy beaks. All kinds of torture. Humans and other beasts being chained up and chased around. Toad-like creatures climbing around.
“I spotted Satan in the corner telling his minions, ‘Go get those people. Go get those beings.’ He was telling them how to torment others.
“I said to myself, ‘What a coward he is. He’s just telling others what to do.’ I said, ‘Hey Satan, you’re such a coward, hiding back there.’ With that, he turned around and told his minions to get me. They came running over and I’m telling you if I wasn’t raised up in that cage . . . They were climbing over each other’s backs to grab at me. Those angels kept them away. I begged them to get me out of there. ‘Angels, please do something!’ The angels never looked down. They constantly stared upwards. They weren’t paying attention. I begged G-d to get me out of there. ‘G-d, if I had knees, I would be on them begging you.’ He did it on purpose, to teach me.
“Eventually, I went up with the angels. I never want to see Hell again. I’ll do anything.”
Barbara returned to life with the renewed energy of a healer, seer, and feeler.
The second story of visiting Hell came from a man who had an NDE when he was only two years old. He doesn’t remember all the details, but he has snapshots in his mind of what happened that day.
Mark Schultheiss told me:
“My NDE was very dark. Most people don’t want to hear about darkness, about lost souls in one part. They don’t want to hear about tortured souls in another part. They don’t want to talk about people in cages. People don’t want to hear it.
“I wanted to see the darkness because I had no experience with it. I was in the light. As far as I know, no one in the light wants to see the dark.
“During my NDE, I had a companion with me. I think it was a female, but it doesn’t matter.
“I saw a rock outcropping. Underneath was a sliver of darkness. I went down and looked at it. I saw things that looked like stars in it, but it was all dark. I wanted to explore it because I am a curious person.
“I went to G-d and said I would like to explore this area. I didn’t get any objections. I got the green light. My NDE threw me right into it. I explored everything I could find about the darkness. In the process, I helped lost souls get into the light, if they were ready.
“I also worked with souls which were tied to the Earth. They hadn’t quite gotten to the light, but they were ready to go.
“I got to the point where I had seen everything in Hell which I needed to see.
“The next snapshot I remember was a shaft of golden light. I call it the living light. It picked me up and took me back.
“I was in front of a council. I was in an ivory room with a table and at least six figures. They were all ivory too. They were in gowns and their faces were covered with material. I couldn’t make out their features. Somebody was beside me who I believe was an advocate, or a guardian. They were discussing me. They concluded, ‘You need to go home.’ I said, ‘No, I don’t want to go home. I want to return to Earth.’ I was only two years old.
“After a discussion, my desire was granted, and I heard a combined-word instruction, ‘you-will-do-and-be-good.’”
Mark returned to life on Earth.
All these years later, in addition to working a regular job, Mark has become an Energy Healer.
Both Barbara and Mark will provide healing work at this Saturday’s “Arts, Crafts and Intuitives Fair” at the Fairfield Inn & Suites, 10150 North Oracle Road, Oro Valley, AZ. The Fair will run from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m.