One of the most delightful feelings is being in a reading with a psychic who we know and trust. There is an electricity to that moment. Then, information starts flowing and life is all electricity and goosebumps.
One of the times I felt this the strongest was when I was in a reading with Gigi Sample. Really, it felt like we were sitting in a mild electric ball of positive energy. I don’t remember the information which came through, but I strongly remember the feeling.
So, I’m sad to report that Gigi passed away a few days ago. She was a light in this world. She had an education in business; however, that line of work didn’t suit her. Spirituality was her life’s work. She became a full-time psychic.
Oddly, I had met Gigi years before she became a psychic. Our daughters were friends in middle school. We took our girls to each other’s birthday parties. I had no idea that years later, after she had moved around the country several times, Gigi would show up at a Tucson psychic fair as a reader! Wow. So cool.
Over the years, we did several readings and I introduced her to my friends. I interviewed Gigi for “My Psychic Search” in 2010. If you’re interested, you can find her interview as a kindle e-book. Her insights are also included in my book.
When I interviewed Gigi, she told me we were entering the Age of Aquarius. It had an orange/pink vibe. She said that people would start waking up and that teachers would need to be ready when the masses began asking questions. My book was to be a source of information and explanation for people who were awakening. Gigi gave me great hope for a more peaceful, enlightened, future Earth.
She said:
“Who knows when the Aquarian Age started, but we are in it now and it is about the waking up of humanity. We are in the infancy. This is the lifetime we have been waiting for. We are in the ‘past-life teacher reunion.’ That is why you click with some people. I call it the past-life teacher reunion because every teacher from a past lifetime is here this lifetime. We might have skipped other lifetimes together, but everyone is here (or coming) this lifetime, to make this shift.”
When I asked Gigi how information came to her, she shared:
“I feel things and I hear things, then I double-check them in the cards. Any way that you work, your Guides know that that method is how you resonate. For example, if I decided to be a tea-leaf reader or a numerologist, the Guides would know how to give me the messages through that method. They know us better than we know ourselves.”
“The validation is usually a feeling. I get a huge body rush. I get goose bumps (Guide bumps!). The Guides know that I recognize goose bumps as a validation. I have known for years that when I get a huge body rush, we are on the right track.”
Gigi added: “Some people think that the work I do looks easy, but they don’t understand that people are asking me about things which will shape major decisions in their lives. It is a huge responsibility.”
Gigi and I hadn’t seen each other for the last few years. However, we were Facebook friends, so we knew a bit about each other’s lives. Even though we hadn’t spent much time together, I held her in my heart as a wonderful energy. I hope that she has moved on to a beautiful area, where all feels well again.
Thank you, Gigi, for being part of my life. Writing this, I have goosebumps all over again.
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