That’s how I felt, but I know that what I feel is not all there is. I don’t see the full picture. So, I asked several psychics what they had heard about the nation’s political future.
Here are four perspectives which are based on messages from the non-physical world. They range from the simplest explanation to the more-philosophical ideas.
1) On his blog, Mark Janssen wrote that spirits and angels don’t answer our direct questions about politics and religion. It’s out of their hands. It’s beyond their abilities. People have free will. They decide who they will vote for or against. It’s not up to G-d, or spirits, or angels. It’s up to people exercising free will. G-d set Creation in motion. The angels and the spirits give us whatever coaching and guidance we are willing to accept.
What we do is up to us.
You can read the entire blog at
2) Another psychic told me that she had had a session with a client who was upset about the election results. The client had wondered if Harris had somehow been blocked from winning.
The intuitive message was, "Yes. We did it." (!)
The message went on to say that if the election had gone the other way, people would be battling the evil vibrational wave that currently has Trump-Vance-Musk at the front of it for at least two more decades. This way, society will be able to wipe out the bad wave in less than four years. It will be a more thorough, satisfying victory than it would have been after 20+ more years of the same battle.
They said they wanted it this way because it would be more fun for us. They repeated many times, "The fun comes later."
The psychic added, “My sense was that by ‘later’ they meant about three years. Three years lines up with the end of what the Ninth Dimensional Pleiadean Collective calls ‘The Frequency Wars.’”
She added that participation in the dark wave that's sweeping through will remain optional. Civil war won't come into our living rooms.
The messages she received emphasized individual choice. People were going to be able to direct their lives into good places, no matter what was going on outside.
I found this message quite reassuring and I appreciated the fact that she shared it with me.
3) Another psychic channeled this message:
“Self-mastery is a job. Think of a household that is run by Dad or Mom. Either you learn how to run it by emulating them or by saying, ‘I will not be like that.’ We can learn anything we need to learn from anyone, if we are open.”
“Society will evolve to the level of what is needed here and now. What is present now, is what needs to be here, or it would not be present. It cannot be otherwise. This is an understanding that there is more than what we see, more than what we can comprehend with our simple perspective.”
The message went on to emphasize the importance of focusing on the here and now, not trying to figure out what will happen in the future.
“Be sure to widen your scope, but not necessarily to change your mind. Awareness raises your vibration. If something affects your neighbor, it affects you.
“Interconnectedness goes on many, many levels. You see, some are having a harder time than others. If they say the water has gotten very high, it matters if you are a puppy who has six-inch legs or if you are a giraffe with six-foot legs. The water may have risen, but it affects you differently.
“If things have not affected you to the degree that you can understand [what others are going through], be grateful. But that does not change the situation for other individuals who are being affected and felt that the decisions they made were necessary.
“All is in Divine order. All is right action. All are evolving. You have our word on that.”
4) Finally, we received another channeled message on November 26. This message reminded us that it often takes tragedies to propel societies forward.
“The process may make people uncomfortable, but if it brings people together, was it such a negative thing?
“All is for the greatest good. All turns out for the highest and best.”
Have you received any kind of intuitive message about the election results? I’m am curious about what other people are hearing.
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