A man who was seeking wisdom walked into a monastery and said, “Send me to the wisest man you know.” They sent him down the street to an intersection to meet a guy with a bottle. The man went there, looked at the guy, didn’t ask his question, returned to the monastery, and said, “That was just some old drunk.”
They replied, “That drunk is the most enlightened person in this community. The only thing he was missing was his experience of addiction. He wanted to experience addiction in this lifetime. If you want your question answered, ask him.”
We come into a lifetime for many reasons. We come to experience, we come to spread love, and we come to spread joy. However, at some point, if someone really wanted to be compassionate with all of the addictions of mankind, he might think he needed to experience some of the addictions to be able to bring himself to a more-compassionate level. That decision would be made on a Higher Self level, probably before an incarnation. It could always be changed. He could experience addiction for a year, ten years, or a lifetime. Those are choices the person would have.
I believe each one of us has, at some point, come down to experience something that the people in this room would judge as a “bad” thing. They judge it as bad based on the difficulty of the life, for example not making money, not having a family, not seeming very happy; all of those reasons. It may not be the kind of life we would want to live, but I would be hesitant to judge the energy that the person was experiencing because if divine order is perfect in all things and the universe unfolds as it should, then that is exactly what that person should be experiencing.
When I think about life, I see the various roles people have taken on. Some roles are pleasant. Other roles provide a foil so that we see how we react to those people and the situations they create. We are enmeshed in our daily lives. Sometimes, it’s interesting to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
Let me know what you think.
P.S. This made me laugh. It's the week before Thanksgiving and I could have titled this "Choosing Rolls." Whole wheat? Crescent? Buttermilk? Words amuse me. :)