Parts of the G-d energy separate so they can migrate to Earth and be born into physical bodies. As human beings, these extensions of G-d can touch, eat, love, create physical items, and interact with other human beings. They can experience anything – wealth, poverty, war, famine, success, adventure, illness, etc. They choose a body which matches the kind of experience they want to have. The body can be of any race or color. In order to have these adventures, a wide variety of scenarios must be available.
In bodies, these pieces of G-d grow and mature. They overcome, or succumb, to challenges. They report back to the main mass of G-d energy in real time. Then, at the end of life, they return to the G-d energy and provide a full report on all they have accomplished.
I recently heard someone put it this way:
“My understanding has evolved from a G-d who was an old guy in white robes to ‘We are expressions of G-d,’ to ‘I am G-d.’ I don’t believe that there is a separate entity, G-d. We are G-d, collectively, having different experiences. I am in this body vs. the barefoot, pregnant woman in Ethiopia.
“I believe that while it is wonderful to be in the spirit world, there are things I cannot do in the spirit world even though I am G-d. I cannot do this in the spirit world – feel what it is like to be in a body.
“G-d is an experience junky. It’s a phrase I’ve heard.
“I looked around. There was an experience I desired to have, so I came down into this body. I could do, and may have already done, the experience of the barefoot woman in Ethiopia. That is not the experience I incarnated to have this time.”
For me, this is a shift in thinking. It's pretty audacious. It’s a perspective beyond thinking that I am spirit in a body to thinking that perhaps I am a piece of G-d, to thinking that I actually AM G-d, and so are you. If so, what is the experience we came to have this lifetime?
Interesting to ponder, yes? What do you think?