This blog quote is dedicated to a woman I met yesterday who told me that she knows things before they happen. A couple of times, she has dreamed of planes crashing, then seen those crashes on the TV news.
Years ago, Nancy Parsons shared this information with me:
Quote from a Psychic - Advance Knowing
When something traumatic was going to happen in the world, I would feel it in advance and it took me a long time to figure out what was going to happen. Things would happen to me, physically. Sometimes, I would think that we were going to have an earthquake.
The day before 9/11, I was ill. I kept saying to my sister, “There’s something wrong with me. My head is spinning. I want to throw up.” She thought I might be dehydrated or hungry, but I wasn’t. I started to walk across the room and I fell to my knees. I just dropped. The top of my head started vibrating. I had no idea what this was. “There’s a disruption in the force.” Do you remember Obi-Wan Kenobi saying that in “Star Wars”? It’s that same sort of thing.
Ten hours later, people were jumping out of buildings. My body told me immediately, “Do you understand that this is why we were trying to give you this information?” What was I going to do with the information? I went to G-d, “What was I supposed to do, call the airplanes?”
I said, “If it’s something where I can make a difference, I’m happy to be the carrier for the information even if people tell me that I’m nuts.” They stopped pushing this on me . . . I can’t be a conduit for every train crash or fire.