Let’s review the framework. At the time of “death,” the soul rises from the body and is greeted by souls (people or animals) who they are happy to see. These souls let them know that things will be okay.
After that, there is a tunnel of light. Souls travel through the tunnel to whatever they expect. They get what they expect because this is comforting. They may see G-d, or the pearly gates, or they may have a darker experience if that is what they think they deserve.
Instead of a bright light, some souls report going into swirls of different colors which they know are solar systems. There’s a “wowness” to it.
Then, there is a period of adjustment and contemplation which usually includes a Life Review.
Finally, souls move into a more social space which we might call Heaven, where they learn, explore hobbies, and travel. After that, they can decide if they would like to reincarnate on Earth, or elsewhere.
Here are the stories of four recently departed people:
(1) Randy. You might remember that Randy was part of our spiritual/channeling group. He was always well-connected to The Other Side. He slipped over in his sleep, had a quick period of surprise that he was gone, then went on to begin a research track. In life, he had often told us that he spent as much time on The Other Side, as he did on this side. Easy-peezy.
(2) My mother. My mother didn’t want to die. She clung to life. She didn’t believe there was an afterlife and she refused to go. After her death, she latched onto me. If she had to go, she wanted me to go with her. I refused. Because she didn’t want to cross over and she didn’t believe there was an afterlife, she stayed in a kind of limbo-land where she wouldn’t fully cross, like Heaven’s foyer. Not a bad place, a “nothing” place.
Now, she is resting and exploring who she is. She is wondering, without all the roles she had been expected to play in life, who was she? Eventually, I believe she will decide to cross fully to the Light. Her decision.
(3) A friend’s brother. He was ill. His body was falling apart, but he didn’t want to go. After he died, he came through with the message that he missed the recreational drugs on Earth. The drugs had been great. He spent his time missing drugs and supporting family members as they mourned.
My friend laughed when she received the message about the drugs – this message could only have come from her brother. It was a confirmation he was coming through.
(4) An friend’s aunt. Spirit told us, “While there is rejoicing in connecting with other souls who had gone prior, there is also a tremendous deep dissatisfaction with the situations which had transpired in the pattern of her life. This is a time to ask why things happened as they had happened, and to get clarity.”
The message continued, “That time will pass quickly and she will be able to focus more clearly on herself and on the magnificence of her energy.”
According to Spirit, some people can transmit their energy with great grace and beauty. Others have tremendous challenges. Some dance very, very well. Other people have a hard time keeping from tripping. Everyone has a different, graceful energy with which they can flow and manifest from one state to the other.
The more I explore this topic, the more interesting it becomes.
Let me know what you think.