My mother passed away several years ago. Since then, I have worked with Mediums to contact her and find out what was going on. Was she happy? Was she with friends and family? Had she examined her last incarnation? Was she working on anything interesting? To my surprise, a couple of years ago, she was sitting alone, not thinking about anything. She just wanted me to leave her alone. She was done with contact. Was she healing? I don’t know.
I didn’t reach out for quite a while, but a few months ago I asked a Medium to contact my mother on the three year anniversary of her passing. My mother was still sitting there, alone, not thinking about anything. When we asked questions, she was kind of confused. She hadn’t thought about the things I was curious about. Had she met relatives? Briefly, nothing to report. Had she wondered about the things which had occurred, or not occurred, in her life? No. Had she taken responsibility for her life? Nope. Her knee-jerk reaction was to blame others for any difficulties. She was not in a reflective space. It had not occurred to her to think about things. Sounds boring to me.
Fortunately, when we asked questions, we tapped into a memory or two of hers which explained how her persona had developed. Then, we heard about how women’s choices had been limited and how society had expected her to become a mother, whether she was ready or not. That explained a few things. Mothering had not been her goal in life. Answering questions from a child had annoyed her during her life and, apparently, still annoys her.
Many books state then when people go to The Other Side, there is a life review. Guides work with people to help them understand their lifetimes and to see if there is room for improvement in future incarnations.
I have also heard about free will on both sides of The Veil. No one is forced to do a life review. No one is forced to do anything. Free will allows those on The Other Side to sit on a park bench for eternity, with nothing going on. Sounds boring to me, but maybe it’s like a long meditation? Clearing the mind, no thoughts, until the soul is ready for a idea or an inspiration? Souls have forever. There is no hurry, no worry. They can take all the time they need to do whatever they want. Forever is a long, long time.
My mind is going all the time. I am curious about why things happen. I wonder why people make certain decisions. I am not judging them, I am working to understand the human psyche. I love talking to people about their long lifetimes and what they think about the twists and turns of their human adventure. Aren’t lives interesting?
In my recent contact with my mother, I learned three things:
1) Souls are completely free to do whatever they want in spirit, even if it’s “nothing.”
2) My mother has not reflected on her life on Earth and has no interest in doing so.
3) There are greater dynamics at play. While the portion of my mother’s soul which shared this lifetime with me might not be aware of what happened, she has a larger “oversoul” which knows things, and I am thrilled to communicate with that Higher Self. She sees the big picture and, from the bit I have heard, it is fascinating.
Isn’t life a grand adventure? This Side, the Other Side, and back again?
Thank goodness for psychics and Mediums who facilitate inter-realm communication.