Ruth answered, “When did I NOT know?” Ruth was born into a family with traditional values. Her mother was Catholic and her father was Mormon. Both were very structured. Ruth added, “When they had this beautiful bouncing baby girl who showed up shining, feeling everything, seeing everything, and knowing everything, it freaked them out. It scared the crap out of them.”
When she was four or five years old, her father took her to a psychic and had blocks put in her third eye and the base of her skull. The psychic assured her father that Ruth would be “normal” now. This experience told Ruth that her gifts were not acceptable. She had to close them down.
Ruth explained, “Throughout my life, it’s been a tug of war. My mind and spirit say, ‘I want to be psychic. I want to work on this.’ The other part of me, with the childhood stuff, says, ‘That’s dangerous. You can’t do that. That’s a bad thing.’ My whole life has been that back and forth. You move two inches forward and an inch backward, then two more inches forward. It’s been hard.
“For the last couple of years, Spirit has been telling me it’s okay. ‘You need to call this back in and be who you truly are. It’s okay for people to see you and know who you really are: a Medicine Woman, a healer, a helper. A steward of the earth and of humanity.’”
Hoping for a happy ending, I asked, “When you are born into a family with two straight-laced parents, what is the story?” I thought she would say that she had enlightened her parents. Instead she answered:
“Abuse. Abuse, abuse, abuse. Abuse. It was hard for them to understand. They could not control what was happening with me. I had physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and spiritual abuse. Everything you can imagine. I had a father, an older brother, and my mother. My brother was like, ‘Oh, this is the way you treat girls. This is the way you treat women.’ I became evil incarnate in his mind.”
Ruth added, “My parents divorced when I was around seven. After that, I lived with my mother. She was very controlling. It was not okay for me to be free and to be who I was. She put a lot of barriers around me.”
“As a human being growing up on this planet, you think this is normal. You start drawing that ugliness into your life because that is your normal. It’s taken time for me to come back to that innocent spirit I’ve always had inside. It’s always been there. Thank you, Lord, it’s never left me. I’ve always felt that connection, even through the darkness.
“I remember a time when I was so sad and so hurt that I thought, ‘Please G-d, take me home. Let me go home. Can I go home?’ Spirit answered, ‘No. You are going to be here for a long time. The world needs you.’
“All of those experiences created a tremendous amount of compassion, understanding, patience, acceptance, and forgiveness. I learned about forgiveness because there had been so many intense experiences.”
I asked, “How could you forgive them?”
Ruth answered, “I know that they didn’t know the truth of who I was. Or even who they were.”
“The cool thing that has happened because of that is that ancestors who have passed on have come to me and thanked me for being who I am and doing this work. I have healed ancestral lines through my work. That’s huge.
“Now, I am so happy because I am doing what I know I am supposed to be doing. Things are changing. I can go into other realms and dimensions very easily. I’ve always been able to do that. I feel like I’ve been teaching kindergarten most of my life. Now, I’m going to be teaching college. I’m stepping up from a different vibration. We are going to be taking quantum leaps. The people who are coming to see me and others of us, are going to be bumped up. Their energy is going to be stronger, more fluid. They are going to release things which don’t serve them. They are going to understand why things have happened in their lives.
“I bring a big perspective. As humans, we see ourselves on this tiny globe and we think this is all there is. We divide the Earth into continents, then get smaller and smaller. Spirit is telling me, ‘No. You’ve got to expand. It’s time to start being okay with being light.’”
“I am a free spirit, wild flower, hippie girl who runs through the fields. I have to be. I’ve always been that. Even when my parents told me I couldn’t be like that, I was still that person on the inside. It oozes from the pores of my body. I have so much light within because of who I was created to be. I think more people will be drawn to me because they recognize my spirit.”
Thank you, Ruth, for sharing your story of overcoming adversity.
Ruth’s business is called “Rare Heart/Healing Art.” She performs Massage, Reiki, Reflexology and Cranialsacral Therapy. Most months, you can find Ruth at the Mystic Messengers Psychic Fair. You can also contact her at 520-244-6736 or by e-mail, [email protected].