<![CDATA[MY PSYCHIC SEARCH - Blog]]>Wed, 08 Jan 2025 12:37:15 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Election Explanations]]>Thu, 12 Dec 2024 20:09:34 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/election-explanationsPicture
To tell you the truth, I was disappointed in the November 2024 Presidential election outcome. I had felt that we were moving toward a kinder, compassionate 5D kind of world, but that is not what people voted for. Instead, citizens elected strong personalities to direct what looks like a mean-spirited future.  

That’s how I felt, but I know that what I feel is not all there is. I don’t see the full picture. So, I asked several psychics what they had heard about the nation’s political future.

Here are four perspectives which are based on messages from the non-physical world. They range from the simplest explanation to the more-philosophical ideas.

1) On his blog, Mark Janssen wrote that spirits and angels don’t answer our direct questions about politics and religion. It’s out of their hands. It’s beyond their abilities. People have free will. They decide who they will vote for or against. It’s not up to G-d, or spirits, or angels. It’s up to people exercising free will. G-d set Creation in motion. The angels and the spirits give us whatever coaching and guidance we are willing to accept.    

What we do is up to us.

You can read the entire blog at https://markjjanssen.medium.com/answers-b7e2814f5c4f

2) Another psychic told me that she had had a session with a client who was upset about the election results. The client had wondered if Harris had somehow been blocked from winning.

The intuitive message was, "Yes. We did it." (!)

The message went on to say that if the election had gone the other way, people would be battling the evil vibrational wave that currently has Trump-Vance-Musk at the front of it for at least two more decades. This way, society will be able to wipe out the bad wave in less than four years. It will be a more thorough, satisfying victory than it would have been after 20+ more years of the same battle.

They said they wanted it this way because it would be more fun for us. They repeated many times, "The fun comes later."
The psychic added, “My sense was that by ‘later’ they meant about three years. Three years lines up with the end of what the Ninth Dimensional Pleiadean Collective calls ‘The Frequency Wars.’”
She added that participation in the dark wave that's sweeping through will remain optional. Civil war won't come into our living rooms.
The messages she received emphasized individual choice. People were going to be able to direct their lives into good places, no matter what was going on outside.

I found this message quite reassuring and I appreciated the fact that she shared it with me.
3) Another psychic channeled this message:

“Self-mastery is a job. Think of a household that is run by Dad or Mom. Either you learn how to run it by emulating them or by saying, ‘I will not be like that.’ We can learn anything we need to learn from anyone, if we are open.”

“Society will evolve to the level of what is needed here and now. What is present now, is what needs to be here, or it would not be present. It cannot be otherwise. This is an understanding that there is more than what we see, more than what we can comprehend with our simple perspective.”

The message went on to emphasize the importance of focusing on the here and now, not trying to figure out what will happen in the future.

“Be sure to widen your scope, but not necessarily to change your mind. Awareness raises your vibration. If something affects your neighbor, it affects you.

“Interconnectedness goes on many, many levels. You see, some are having a harder time than others. If they say the water has gotten very high, it matters if you are a puppy who has six-inch legs or if you are a giraffe with six-foot legs. The water may have risen, but it affects you differently.

“If things have not affected you to the degree that you can understand [what others are going through], be grateful. But that does not change the situation for other individuals who are being affected and felt that the decisions they made were necessary.

“All is in Divine order. All is right action. All are evolving. You have our word on that.”

4) Finally, we received another channeled message on November 26. This message reminded us that it often takes tragedies to propel societies forward.

“The process may make people uncomfortable, but if it brings people together, was it such a negative thing?

“All is for the greatest good. All turns out for the highest and best.”


Have you received any kind of intuitive message about the election results? I’m am curious about what other people are hearing.


<![CDATA[Ghosts: Why don’t the deceased move on?]]>Thu, 05 Dec 2024 20:12:12 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/ghosts-why-dont-the-deceased-move-onPicture
After a person’s body dies, their spirit moves to the non-physical world. In most cases, the spirit sees a light and moves through it to The Other Side, or they meet someone they love and that person guides them forward.

However, some souls seem to “get lost” in a limboland before they move on. Why does this happen? I have written about this in the past, but I recently heard some new information which I wanted to share with you.

What is the difference between a ghost and a spirit?

A ghost is the essence of a person who has died, but has not yet gone through the Light and completely passed to The Other Side. A spirit is the essence which has fully crossed to The Other Side. On this side, we have “souls,” on The Other Side, we are “spirits.”

Why do ghosts stay on Earth?

There are many explanations as to why souls don’t, or can’t, move through the Light. Here are a few:

1) Many psychics think that ghosts remain on Earth by choice. These souls may have had strong attachments to people or places. They may be so attached to their home or business that they don’t want to leave. They like it here.

2) Some souls may not be dealing well with their actions on Earth. They may have unresolved issues which make them afraid of what might be waiting on The Other Side. They may be afraid of judgement or retaliation. Some ghosts may stay to try to undo the harm they caused during their lives.

3) In other cases, ghosts just feel comfortable on the Earth plane. They don’t want to go to the afterlife.

4) Another explanation for ghosts is that souls don’t want to go to The Other Side because there is a person here who is longing for them to stay. This living person’s intense grief can hold someone back from crossing over. The ghosts don’t know what will happen once they cross over and they think that they can be closer to the living person if they stay on Earth.

5) Some ghosts were very-religious people who don’t know where they are supposed to go when they pass. They don’t think they deserve to go to Hell, but they also don’t think they deserve to go to Heaven. They think those are the only choices, so they don’t move forward.

6) Some people have never thought about the afterlife. They don’t believe there is anything after death. When people pass, what they see is based on what they believed in life. If they had no belief system, the whole thing takes them by surprise. It takes a moment to regroup and figure out where to go.

7) Some energies are unaware that they are dead. Angels on The Other Side search for these souls, but the souls don’t seem to see them.

Why don’t they know they are dead?

In many cases, the person had a quick death which took them by surprise. For example, a plane crashed into their building or they were in a car accident. It happened so fast they that were mentally thrown off.

A similar situation may occur if the person was heavily medicated at the end. If someone was sedated before passing, it may take a while for them to get out of the energy of the medication and to recognize that things are different. They need to clear their head.

One more explanation is cognitive issues. If someone had dementia or Alzheimer's, it might take a little while for them to realize that they now have clarity. The confusion lifts, but then they don’t know where they are or what happened. They aren’t certain that they are dead. They are figuring things out. And, it feels good to take a moment and enjoy their newfound clarity.

What can you do to help?

After passing, there is a window of time when it's very obvious where souls are supposed to go. Sometimes, if it takes a soul longer to figure out what happened, or if they become distracted by what's going on in the physical world, they may miss that window of time. It doesn't mean that it can't be opened again, but they may have lost the focus on where they are supposed to go.

Usually, there is an angel near the person who is waiting to be seen. The angel can get them back on the right track.

Someone on Earth can talk to their loved one and say, “You are supposed to go to this other place. This is the physical world and you have finished here.”

The living person can help refocus the soul’s attention so that they see the angel or the loved one who is waiting for them. In the spirit world, you see whatever you focus on, so redirecting their attention to the guide can help them move from this in-between place, into the Light, and on to The Other Side.

Usually, moving to the afterlife is pretty simple. However, it can be complicated by the things souls see and feel after death.

There is always more to learn about the cycle of our lives.


<![CDATA[Choosing our Reality]]>Thu, 31 Oct 2024 18:35:11 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/choosing-our-realityPicture
I’ve written before about the idea that the people on Earth are splitting into two groups. They are going in different directions and everyone has to choose which way they go. Not making a choice, means remaining where they are right now.

Can you feel the split? Don’t you see it everywhere you look? Every day, the separation becomes clearer.  

What I have heard is that everyone will remain on Earth, but will be increasingly aware of only the people in their group. The other people will fade away. It’s similar to how we might have kept in touch with some grade school friends, but lost touch with others. Those other people have faded from our consciousness. The division of the Earth will be a split in consciousness.

Earlier this month, I heard another explanation of this move apart.

Erin Riley, an energy worker and a psychic, provided this (paraphrased) explanation:

“The worlds are splitting. Some people refer to it as 3D, which is the physical world, versus 5D, which is the new world. I don't think that those are the true terms, but that's how everybody refers to them.

“A lot of people are choosing the 3D old world because they are souls who have not had a lot of experience in a 3D world and they're here for a specific reason. They are not through with their experience. They are choosing to stay because they need to complete this 3D experience.

“Others, who have been here many times, are ready to evolve and to create a new world. They will have the 5D experience.

“This split is why so many things in our world right now are diametrically opposed. The closer we get to the split, the more we are going to see people on opposite sides.

“There's not going to be any middle ground. You have to choose one or the other. At this point, if you do not choose, you will stay in the 3D world.”

At that point in the discussion, I asked if both groups would remain on Earth. How could two realities be here at the same time? Would the 5D group move into a non-physical vibration? The answer: No, the people doing the 3D experience and the people choosing the 5D experience would all live on Earth. They just would not be aware of each other.

Erin added, “It is simply a level of awareness. So, for instance, you might find a car that you think is really good that you want to buy. You don't think anybody else has anything like it. It will be unique. As soon as you buy it, you see those cars everywhere. It's not part of your awareness at one point, the same way that the people who choose to stay in a 3D world are not going to be part of your awareness.”

“Three D things will slowly fade as you become involved in things that are at a higher dimension, a higher vibration.”

What about people in the same household? In the same neighborhood? Could they live together? The answer: Things which are part of your focus and attention, will not be the same as theirs. You will gradually separate and won't be part of each other's awareness. As things separate, you won’t want to be around people who choose a different experience. If it’s too abrasive to be together, you will choose to spend less and less time in the same place.

In addition, people might go back and forth for a while. Some days, someone will feel like being in the 3D world. Other days, they will feel more like 5D. Some days, they will be angry or rooted in the third dimension. Other days, they will be more attuned

Erin had previously mentioned that she thinks the split will become very evident by the end of this year.

It may sound like a theoretical splitting on Earth, but it’s not. You can see the split every day when you read the news. The clearest example is politics. We are a divided country. Half of us want to go move forward, while half of us yearn for the past.

One of the ways you can choose which group you are with, 3D or 5D, is your vote. This election, vote your conscience. Vote for good. Vote for the way you want the world to evolve. Think about integrity, joy, fairness and equality.  

No candidate will accomplish all the things they propose, so look beyond the promises. Look for the kind of people who you would enjoy having as leaders. What is your vision for the future?

Make your choice. Get out there and vote!


<![CDATA[Human Experience]]>Thu, 17 Oct 2024 19:27:45 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/human-experiencePicture
Some people know that they are spiritual beings who have come into bodies to experience physical life. Other people aren’t quite sure that this is the case. Today, I want to share some messages which came through during a recent channeling event to remind us that there are good reasons to try life as a human being.

Before coming into a body, we plan the major events, joys, and challenges of our life. With free will, we figure out the smaller stuff once we are here. For example, we may design a life with a marriage, but when we are here, we select our spouse.

Earth is one of the most-difficult places to incarnate because of the huge challenges. However, it is through these challenges that we find out what we are capable of doing. Through challenges, we grow.

A channeled message in September reminded us that humans are “well-meaning people, looking at their divinity, experiencing their humanity, and knowing that they are neither exclusively. They are everything.”

The message went on:

“None of the experiences that you are going through are by chance. If you look at every experience you have had, it's been a part of your evolution. It's been a part of your personal journey to become who and what you are. You share that wisdom with others along the path.

“While you may have deep sorrow, you also have tremendous highs, tremendous joys, and tremendous celebrations.

“There will always be difficult situations. It isn't that other people don't feel them. It isn't that other people don't have them. It is that they choose to say, ‘Watch me,’ to themselves. They see these situations as self-challenges.”

“If life was not difficult, you would think you had no growth whatsoever. When you look into the volumes of what you have already overcome, turned around generationally, and healed vibrationally, you are remarkable.”

“The entire universe meets and prays – sometimes in defeat and sorrow and sometimes in joy and jubilation, and all of the emotions in between that you incarnated to feel. It gives you a greater understanding of the tremendous, expansive scope of what can be felt. These levels of feeling help expand your divinity.”

“You came to be wayshowers, not followers. Do not try to be as the others are. Be your authentic selves. Your quirks are your gifts. Your ways of being are examples so that others set themselves free to be wholly who and what they are.”

The message continued:

“Our goal is to illumine the spark of the Divine within you, to the highest illumination that you can physically, emotionally, and etherically sustain; helpfully, joyfully, here and now.”

“There is nothing that can overwhelm you without your permission -- that is knowing who and what you are.

“You are created of divine love essence. You are ‘love expressing.’ You can't do it wrong.”

“The vessel wears out. However, your spirit gets brighter and brighter, and you realize that no vessel can contain your spirit. Not now and not ever.”

Eventually, the body dies and the spirit travels back to the non-physical world. While here, enjoy the ride.


<![CDATA[The Bullet]]>Thu, 05 Sep 2024 19:02:44 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/the-bulletPicture
In July, a shooter at a rally aimed at former president Trump, took several shots and nicked Donald Trump’s ear. Bullets injured several other people. One person died. Among other things, I wondered, “How could a bullet nick his ear and not move a hair out of place? How could it be that precise?”

So, at a channeling session, I asked the Guides, “Did a bullet really come that close to Donald Trump and just nick his ear?” I wanted to know if there was some kind of a big-picture explanation for what had transpired.

The response was that three things could have happened:

1) The bullet could have missed him completely,

2) The bullet could have injured him, or

3) The bullet could have killed him.

In the first case, if the bullet had missed him completely, he might have shrugged the whole thing off.

In the second case, there was a wide range of potential injuries.

The Guides said, “The injury that he sustained showed him that he is not as untouchable as he thought he was. Security had been trying to protect him, but he was the one saying, ‘No. My people love me.’ The problem with that is it only takes one person to not love you and he had not realized how vulnerable he really was.

“Now, he sees that vulnerability and treats his life a little more respectfully. Will he treat your life and the life of others more respectfully? My dear, it would take more than a nicking of his ear. But at this point in time, the nicking of the ear was Spirit’s way of bringing him back into an arena that he cannot place himself higher than the Almighty.”

He was not invincible.

The third case, his death, would have allowed him to choose to reincarnate with a similar energy as the energy he had now. A younger version of himself.

The Guides said, “Two inches one way would have left him Scott free, thinking, ‘No big deal.’ Two inches another way would have left him to have an energy that would reincarnate; neither of which would serve any good. It had to do what it did.

“The hand of G-d was involved in a different manner than everyone interprets. The truth is, this was a very real lesson for the gentleman.”

Later, I asked more about his potential reincarnation. I was told that by the bullet nicking his ear, he might have learned a lesson about vulnerability or humility which would help him reincarnate with a gentler energy. Not so much ego. This would be better for everyone.

Isn’t this interesting? I enjoy the way that the channeled information helps me think about things in a different way than I normally think about them. An expanded understanding of why things happen the way they happen.


<![CDATA[Mastery]]>Thu, 22 Aug 2024 19:27:48 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/masteryPicture
Mastery. What have you mastered in this lifetime? What are you still working on?

I was part of a group meditation on mastery a few weeks ago. During the meditation, I could look at the things I’ve accomplished in my life and ponder what I had mastered.  

Interestingly, the people around me went beyond pondering this lifetime and were able to draw from experiences over multiple lifetimes. They could see or feel what they had mastered in individual lifetimes, or over the expanse of several lifetimes. Fascinating stuff.

Skills, and mastery, can be brought in from many times, places, and dimensions.

I’ll give you a few examples.

One person could see that in a past life she had lived in the wilderness and cultivated medicinal herbs. She had mastered that skill. In this lifetime, she could still grow plants, but no longer knew their medicinal benefits. She could grow them for their beauty.

A second person could see how she had mastered baking in a previous lifetime. This lifetime, she had done some huge baking jobs to reassure herself that she still had that capability. Doing those big projects had anchored the skill in this incarnation, in case she wanted to do it again. Now, she bakes for fun.

Another person could see the things she had mastered over lifetimes. She could bring those experiences into this lifetime so that the mastery was available should she need it. She said:

    “I do a multitude of things. Anything that comes to my mind that I'm interested in, I do. I'm a scuba diver. I have an airplane pilot’s license. Whatever strikes my fancy, I go ahead and do. I was told that, for me, doing all these different things anchored those masteries into this physical reality. Even though I don't pursue them all the time, it brings them in so that if I ever need them, I have them.

    “That's the purpose of doing as much as you possibly can and experiencing as much as you can. You are anchoring all that in here, whether you use it every day or not.”

Sometimes, skills from previous lifetimes are not brought in with us because they may not resonate with where we are right now, energetically. We can't bring in all the information.

Other times, they are not brought in because the skills would distract us from what we would normally be doing. For instance, if we had all of the skills of music and became a music prodigy, but this life wasn't supposed to involve music, we would be distracted from what we came here to do.  

Some paths to mastery are straight-forward; no deviations. You have to go through certain experiences. Other paths are more open. You can stay on the path and go through the different steps, or you can jump to different parts and still achieve the end result. Whether you go off the road or not, you end up where you need to be.

Some people will say that they know how to do something, but they can't tell you how they know. It’s because they went off the road and leapt from here to there. They can't tell you how they got there, but they have the information to achieve the end result – mastery of that particular skill.

Perhaps that "leap" is guidance from The Other Side?

Personally, I feel like I’ve had to stay on a particular path and do the work to achieve new skills. They have not just shown up in my life. Have I brought mastery in from past lives? Perhaps. Maybe those things that I’m naturally good at are the things which I brought with me? I’ve already had experience with them.

How about you? Can you point to something you’ve mastered that you feel is based on work done in a past life? It’s fun to explore this broad view of life.  


<![CDATA[Happy Art]]>Thu, 11 Jul 2024 20:19:48 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/happy-artPicture
I do a lot of things. As you know, I speak with psychics and I write a blog. I talk with people about my book.

I also create art and sell it at two galleries in Tucson.

There are many ways to raise our vibration and feel well. One of my ways is painting quirky, happy art. Today, I’m going to share a few pieces with you. Some of these pieces are in the Southern Arizona Arts Guild Gallery at La Encantada Mall in Tucson. Some of these pieces are on my painting table. Some of these pieces are in boxes, waiting for their turn to go to the Gallery.

You can also find the “Wild Girls!” at the Absolutely Art Gallery in Catalina, AZ.

I had a lot of fun this week painting a mandala on a glass vase. I enjoyed it so much, that I grabbed a second vase and painted that one too!

If you want to see more of my work, check out my website, www.Kushnerskreations.com.

I raise my vibration by painting the kind of art I like. I hope that my joy will transfer to you as you view these pieces.


<![CDATA[Life Purpose]]>Thu, 27 Jun 2024 18:20:38 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/life-purpose3002559Picture
Everyone has a life purpose. I used to think that it was something BIG like, “Invent the Salk vaccine,” “Cure cancer,” “Design a faster race car,” or “Write a book which saves the world.”

What I’ve come to understand is that “big things” are not always activities in the wide world. Instead, they can be important issues we need to deal with within ourselves. For example, we might have come into this life to work out a problem we had in a former lifetime where we had no courage, or we had a terrible relationship with someone, or we killed people and now need to deal with the karmic implications.

Our life purpose may deal with external or internal issues.

Lately, I’ve heard messages about how our life purpose can be even more subtle. It can be something along the lines of “Raise your vibration so you raise the vibrations of those around you,” or “Be a searchlight in the darkness helping others find the light,” or “Be a role model for your children and their children.”

Several channeled messages came though which refined the idea of life purpose. They spoke to the impacts we have on others, whether we are aware of these impacts or not. I thought I would share a few of these ideas with you.

In April, we heard, “Infinite possibilities lie within you. Because you have not created some new invention, something greater and bigger, perhaps you feel that your purpose is not as valued as someone else’s mission. That is not true. The very space that you hold is different because you are in it.”

Then we heard, “When people talk about a purpose and a mission, everybody's looking for something grandiose. For the most part, that's not what our lives are: one big purpose of changing everybody's lives. It's the little things that we encounter throughout our life that are part of our mission to change other people's lives, whether we know it or not.”

“Never underestimate the impact you have on the lives of people who you touch. You might never even notice the impact.

“Never expect that you will have some large, overwhelming mission or impact that you can see. However, you touch every person you come in contact with. You may never know about these impacts. Not until you move beyond this life will you see all of the threads and avenues that you affected.  

“It is up to you to recognize your worth, regardless of the accolades from others. It's not up to anyone else to boost you. It's up to you to recognize your worth and value.”

One more message, “For those who have a pet or someone who is not feeling well, your loving vibration changes the energy just by being there. Your energy changes the vibration of any room, any situation, any being. It is sacred.”

A few weeks ago, I wrote about a woman who was kind to me in a Goodwill store. She may never know that her kindness was so overwhelming that I had to share it with you. She may never know that she is a famous person on “My Psychic Search” website.

Kudos to her. Kudos to you. Kudos to all of us who are making the world a better place one moment at a time.


<![CDATA[Where is “The Other Side”?]]>Thu, 13 Jun 2024 20:27:04 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/where-is-the-other-sidePicture
It’s easy to think about The Other Side in terms of Heaven being “up there,” and Hell being “down there.” But the psychics explained that Heaven and Hell don’t really exist. They are human constructs created to remind us to live moral lives.

So where is “The Other Side?”

When I interviewed Richard Schickel, he looked to his Guides for an answer:

“They say, ‘We are right next to you, but at a higher level.’ People are at a slow physical level because of their skin and bodies. Entities are at a higher, freer level of just spirit.”

Other psychics commented there was a veil between worlds and that The Other Side was right here. One person thought that it was all around us, at a higher vibration and about three feet off the ground. It was a question of being able to sense a higher vibrational energy.

I asked a psychic channeler for a fuller explanation. I said, “When spirits are on The Other Side looking down on us, what do they see? Do they actually see us as physical beings? What do they see when they look at us?”

She channeled:

“First, they are amongst us, not above us, not below us, not near us. They are amongst us. They cannot not be anymore than the air cannot be. We are here. They are in a collective energy. It would be like a light, a color, a vibration, next to you. That is all you are: a light, a color, a vibration.”

“If you were to ask a match when you see the flame burning, ‘Are you the blue, the orange, or the red?’ It is all. You might be the red part of the flame which will change to blue in a little while, then yellow.

“When a light starts to dim somewhere, vibration or energy-wise, they are drawn there.

“Similarly, you came in to support each other, to be a back-up for each other. You may see one of your ‘fellow lights’ dim. There are those who are called to raise up that light, that vibration, that energy.”

The channeler clarified that whenever we feel a dip in our energy, whenever we feel a little low, both people and unseen energies are available to boost us up. They are with us and, when we ask, they respond to our needs.

She went on:

“It isn’t another side. It’s merely a difference in vision and a difference in feeling. It is how we view and feel. It’s a knowing. It’s a sensing.”

“We are amongst you always. If you only knew the power that you have and the abilities, which are stored in banks for you, with spirit, with Guides, with illumination. ‘Ask and you shall receive’ is not just a comment written in a bible. If you want to know, ask.”

I responded, “It’s so easy to think of them being on a plane above us, but to think they are amongst us . . .”

She channeled, “Amongst us. Within us, around us, amongst us, and we with them.”

This conversation changed my view of The Other Side. We are conscious energy in a body. We are surrounded by conscious energies, including our Spirit Guides, who assist us on our journey.

Over the years, I have compiled hundreds of pages of notes on the things I’ve heard. Every now and then, I review the notes to remind myself of all of these ideas. It’s easy to get caught up in daily life and forget about how things are set up and what we are doing. Life is compelling, and it’s only one part of the larger picture.

Take care.


<![CDATA[Little Things]]>Thu, 23 May 2024 19:13:56 GMThttp://mypsychicsearch.com/blog/little-thingsPicture
I have an embarrassing story to share, but it has a happy ending. Here goes.

I like to rescue glass pieces from thrift shops, paint them, and give them new life as art.  

A few days ago, I was in a Goodwill store and I found a pristine butter dish. I had it in my left hand as I used my right hand to reach for a wine glass on the second row of a high shelf.

Crash! I accidentally knocked over a martini glass which had been on the front row of the shelf. Glass rained down and shattered on the floor. Did I break one glass or more? No way to know.

I felt terrible! I couldn’t believe I had created such a mess.

A very nice guy came over and swept the glass off of the concrete floor. I apologized over and over for breaking the glass.

I looked at my hand. I still had the top half of the butter dish, but I only had half of the bottom tray. It must have been hit by the martini glass and joined it on its way to the floor. Wow.

I gave the remaining part of the bottom piece to the guy to throw in the trash.

I decided that the least I could do was purchase the top half of the butter dish for the full price.  

I got in line with my $2.99 butter dish top. When it was almost my turn with the cashier, an elderly woman who was paying for her items asked if that was the only piece I had. Yes, it was. She asked how much it cost. I explained that it was $2.99 for the butter dish top. I had broken the bottom -- yes that crash was mine. She proceeded to pay for my purchase!

This was so nice of her. So unexpected.

She left. I was flustered. I grabbed the receipt and followed her to the parking lot.

I yelled, “Excuse me!” She turned around and I thanked her for paying for my butter dish half. I said, “That was very kind of you. You were spreading a little love in the world and I appreciate that. I’ll spread some love too.” We hugged.

Very sweet moment. I felt the love. One person elevating the world. Thank you.

My mood changed from embarrassment over having broken the glass, to joy at the idea that someone would extend kindness to a stranger.

This incident reminded me of a few channeled messages I had recently heard about how we change the world, one little thing at a time.

One message advised us:

“Infinite possibilities lie within you. You may feel that your purpose is not as valued and needed as someone else because you have not created some new invention, something great and big. That is not true. The very space that you hold is different because you are in it.”

A second message:  

“When people talk about a purpose and a mission, everybody's looking for something grandiose. For the most part, that's not what of our lives are -- one big purpose of changing everybody's lives. That's not the way that most of us are. It's the little things that we encounter throughout our life that are part of our mission to change other people's lives, whether we know it or not.”

A third message (edited):

“Remember that the things that you have put out with so much love and so much good intention, do come back. They might not come back from the individuals that you have directed them to, but the open arms, the open extension and friendship that you have put out for years will come back to you. The love continues to filter, to flow, and to be, and will come back to you and yours with peace and tranquility in the pattern of your life.”

Then, I found a quarter in the street!

It was a good day.

