I thought I understood “life purpose.” Then, a couple of weeks ago, new information came forward.
Many years ago, Doreen Virtue provided the best explanation I had heard for life purpose. In her book, The Lightworker’s Way (Hay House, Carlsbad, CA, 1997, p. 72), she wrote:
“Before your birth, you and a spiritual council of guides created a life plan tailored to meet your material, spiritual, and karmic needs. This Divine plan has three elements: a purpose, personal growth lessons, and relationships with other people to support the overall plan.
“Your purpose is a task you are to do through your career, volunteer work, or a special project that uses your natural talents and interests to benefit humanity. Your plan’s second element entails well-timed life events that teach you about love and help you to shed self-defeating personality traits. The third element involves pre-birth arrangements you made with certain people who will serve as catalysts for your purpose and personal growth. These people may function as your family members, co-workers, friends, or acquaintances. Your interactions with these people simultaneously help them to fulfill their own plan.
“You predestined your plan as a rough outline of what your life would look like, including your purpose, significant life lessons, and relationships with particular people. Because the plan is only a rough outline, you must choose the finer details of your plan as you go through life. You are free to ignore the plan completely, but the emotional and societal consequences of this choice can be devastating.
“In our previous incarnations, many of us didn’t fulfill our purposes. During our post-death life reviews, we felt ashamed that fears and material desires thwarted our plan. This lifetime, we swear to ourselves before birth, we won’t forget our purpose. The trouble is, we design the Divine plan in a ‘true self’ state of peaceful mindfulness. When we experience ego-based fear during our human lifetime, we can’t remember why we came here. If we do remember, fears keep us from ever starting our plan.”
Back in 2012, I thought that my life purpose was to talk with psychics and share what I was hearing through My Psychic Search Project. Since childhood, I’ve had the feeling that I would do something “religious” as an adult.
Two weeks ago, I heard a different explanation of life purpose. Our purpose isn’t a project as much as it is Who We Are.
I asked Spirit, “Does everyone come in with a particular life purpose? Do we have multiple life purposes? How do you see that?”
The answer:
“All of the above. You come with a purpose specific for you. If that is to be the antagonist, then you will antagonize many. If that is to be the healer, then you will send healing to many. If that is for you to be a symbol, a lightening rod, a person who makes great strides, it affects many. All of these initial purposes start from the crib and move through your lifetime. Can the purposes change in depth or in manner? Yes. But the purpose stays the same.
“Your purpose is the reason you reincarnated. If your purpose is to bring inventions and awareness, then you will invent and bring awareness. Your whole purpose was to come and bring those inventions and awareness. You could not be stopped if you tried.
“If you always came to show another way, you will always be showing another way.
“How you live your life, is your purpose. What you accomplish on your purpose-path, is all gravy.
“Many people focus on a result. A cure. An invention. A philosophical truth. Yet they came to be seekers, to encourage other seekers. Or they came to be naysayers so people would learn not to be so open or gullible. Every purpose is as valuable as a miracle.”
When I asked about my personal life purpose, Spirit explained that I was here to ask “Why?” and “How?”
Spirit added, “You want things clear for yourself and for others. If you don’t know the how and why clearly, you ask. You do it with a sense of a higher purpose, without bristling those who have nothing to hide. But it will bristle those who have something to hide each and every time.”
So my life purpose wasn’t just to write a book, or develop a blog regarding spiritual information. It was to be an investigator, a photographer, a scribe, and a creator, no matter what the subject. Since childhood, I have taken photos and written Life Notes.
What are you here to do? You are here to find something you love doing, then do it. Look back at your childhood and remember the things you enjoyed, even before you were aware of enjoyment. Think about the attributes you were born with. Everything else will unfold.
Questions or comments? You can send them to me at [email protected].