Stagnating Life
For several years now, many people have felt that their lives have stagnated. Nothing seems to be pushing or pulling them in any direction. Should I go back to school? Should I move? Should I continue living with this person? Why don’t I feel motivated? It isn’t depression; it’s just that nothing seems to be pulling us the way it used to.
If you’re feeling this way, the good news is that you aren’t alone. The bad news is that this is the new state of reality. We are not going back. The good news is that, once you understand the new formula, you can learn to navigate your life as well as you did before.
In case you haven’t heard, the whole earth is going through an ascension process. Everything is vibrating at a different rate now. The process of manifesting is different.
To give you an idea of the difference, imagine riding a bicycle. You pedal, pedal, pedal, increasing gears, until you’re traveling pretty fast and don’t have to pedal anymore. You can coast for a while without giving input. There’s no question about what you’re doing; you’re going forward, fast. This is what we’ve been used to.
Now, imagine that this bicycle has no higher gears. It doesn’t coast very well. If you want to go forward, you have to pedal. It’s easy to change direction at any time, but you have to decide over and over again what you’re doing. The pull of your own momentum isn’t strong anymore. This is the reality we live in now.
The way to navigate this new creation style is to play smaller, minute-to-minute. Keep having big dreams, but don’t commit to big plans. Have the same dream over and over again, but with a feeling of gentleness in your heart. You don’t need passionate commitment and drive to make things happen anymore.
Now, we’re making the same simple decisions, over and over again. It sounds like this in my head: “Go forward? Yes, let’s go forward. Go forward? Yes, let’s go forward.” It’s more peaceful. There’s an easy smile to it.
The new reality is simpler and more playful, as long as we don’t expect our momentum to carry us forward.
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The writer of today’s blog post is a transpersonal medium. This means that she can contact both with people who are alive and people who have passed on. Information from the souls of people who are living? Like parents and bosses? Sounds like the subject of a future blog post.
If you’d like to contact the writer for a reading, reach out to me and I’ll put you in touch, [email protected].