Before we enter physical life, we confer with a Council and scope out the life to come. We agree to have certain experiences and to work on particular lessons. Then, we are born with a life purpose and we attempt to achieve our destiny.
Destiny is the physical manifestation of life purpose, like having children or writing a book. We are born to achieve a destiny. It happens in the physical world.
Soul purpose is a larger concept than life purpose. A soul purpose can meander through several lives. It can weave through this side and the other side. We are exploring, then coming back. Trying again. Destiny stays here. Destiny is a rock hard destination in a particular life.
Everyone comes in with a plan, then life happens and the plan changes. Most people achieve a portion of their destiny. The rest of life will be devoted to surviving life, understanding life, re-learning what we need to know, and getting the answers which move us along our path of destiny. These are the answers we wished to understand when we stood before the Council to plan our life.
The Spirit Guide added, “When it comes to destiny and life purpose, there is a progressive understanding and growth that moves you into higher and higher resonances and vibrations because you are returning to Source as you become explorers in three dimensional reality and other dimensions of reality. As you traverse those dimensions of reality, you are learning, and you are contributing to the whole understanding of the experience.”
I tend to think of destiny as a destination -- that place where you feel like you’ve arrived. The moment when you feel you have achieved what you came to achieve.
Spirit reminded me, “Perhaps what you have come to achieve is smiling at a neighbor, or something so small and finely refined as to be a pure example of love. You do not recognize those fine, pure, slivers, and you think they do not make a difference. In fact, they are a major stepping stone, a major achievement, as you pursue the destiny of each life.”
I asked about my destiny in this lifetime, and was given this glimpse regarding the work I do:
“You will get hints from your research and hints from your experiences until you can do as you wish. In that doing as you wish, you will find connections with like-minded people who exist in spirit and will find communicating with you easier than communicating through other entities. Your desire is fostered by relationships with those in spirit who need your voice.”
I am certainly looking forward to that!
I want to thank Susan Sampson for this delightful discussion and for providing the messages from Spirit which deepened my understanding of Life Purpose, Soul Purpose, and Destiny. You can contact Susan for readings at [email protected].
Let me know what you think.
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The Destiny of a Century plant in Tucson, AZ