New Website
Welcome to My Psychic Search’s updated website. I hope you like it. I’ve been working on it for two weeks. There’s plenty more to do, but I am happy to have created something new.
This website has the same home address as the old one,, but the blog has a new address, If you rely on a bookmark to find the blog, please update your bookmark.
What else is new? I am Pondering Multiple Realities.
I am working on a project with someone whose ideas are different from mine. In my opinion, they are not mainstream ideas; they are not based in fact. (I’m chuckling because so much of what I do is not considered mainstream). Anyway, he believes in his truth and I believe in mine.
Spirit advised:
“The individual that you spoke of, who seems to have a duality of reality . . . that reality is his belief and his truth. It is as far-fetched to you as, perhaps, the spiritual realm was to someone 50 years ago. Everyone is on different paths in their development and growth.”
“It is a reality because it is his reality. There is enough collective mind consciousness to give that reality substance. Like anything else, any crowd mentality will make energy that is tangible, for the good, for the bad, for the indifferent. It is just another perspective. Doesn’t mean it needs to be yours, or that you need to validate it or discredit it. It is another vibration.”
This is the same explanation I have heard for creating reality on the other side of the Veil. When enough people believe something is real, the group energy makes it real. It isn’t really real, but it makes the illusion real. For example, if enough people believe in hell, they can create the illusion of hell. Hell doesn’t really exist, but people can create that illusion, go there, then find that if they ask to be released, they can move out of their illusion of hell and find a more delightful version of the other side.
Here, if enough people believe a situation is real, it creates that reality for them. They find the specific facts which support their perspective.
The feeling of fear is real, whether or not there is a reason to be fearful. A child who is afraid of the boogie man is truly afraid, whether or not the boogie man exists.
Spirit went on to say, “All of them have their reality and yet there is a truth that is even higher and greater than that. It isn’t to judge or not judge, it is a different reality.”
I have a lot to think about.
Let me know what you think of the new website and/or the blog post. For the first time, you can add comments below each post.
Take care.
[email protected]