At the beginning of the reading, information came through the cards, but we didn’t know who to assign it to. Onae asked, “Did your daughter just move?” I answered, “Not yet, but in the next few weeks.” She wondered, “Is she moving to follow her passion?” I answered, “Not really.” After the reading I realized that my husband was changing his business arrangements to enjoy his life. Were the cards showing my husband moving to follow his passion, not my daughter?
Onae told me that someone was heartbroken over a separation. She asked, “Is it you?” It took us a while to determine it was my mother. She had died in February and was heartbroken that she had to leave.
We never want to stretch too far to make intuitive messages fit the facts, but sometimes a little detective work is required. Ask a question or two if you need to clarify information or its source.
Once Onae and I realized my mother had connected, information and images started coming from her, but they were halting. Bits and pieces. No explanation.
Then my father came through, standing next to me, with warm fuzzy feelings and images. I still had to figure out what he was talking about, but he was standing next to me and beaming love. My mother was “way over there.” Onae asked if my mother had been distant in life? Yes, she had been. Onae wondered if my mother had trouble conveying warm emotions? Yes. Well, guess what? That was what we were dealing with during this reading.
My mother was willing to connect and present images, but there were no emotions. Onae told me that this situation was rare. Most of the time, the deceased connect and Onae feels their love, or their sorrow, or their regret. The emotional component helps her understand the imagery. With my mother, there was no emotional component. She was very guarded. Onae said that in life my mother had hid her emotional issues from everyone, including herself. This had created an emotional wall which was still in place.
Onae went on to say, “Because of this death and transformation, she is now learning and healing herself. The angels are around her and she is still learning about the heartache that she had. She will be okay. In the meantime, she is sorry. Even though she is not there emotionally for you, she is sorry about the upset.”
Onae added, “It was a little rough going in the beginning of the reading because of your mom. Typically, I get the emotions and the symbols and the visions, but she was holding back. I’m like, ‘You’ve got to work with me lady.’”
“They are the same way there that they were here. If she was being cold and keeping her distance when she was here, she was doing it with me now.”
Onae reminded me that when people cross, they retain their personalities. I think that as they work through their life review, they may be trying to defend their decisions and positions in life. As they begin to see the role they played and how their choices impacted their lives and others, they slowly release their personality and see the bigger picture of who they are.
It’s a process. It’s an expansion from focusing on the single, just-completed life, to remembering that they are a conscious being moving in and out of lifetimes, trying to experience everything. Souls pick a theme for each lifetime. They design life lessons and create a life purpose. In the afterlife, they integrate those experiences into the bigger version of who they are -- their Higher Self.
Around we go on the Wheel of Incarnation.
So much information came through during Onae’s reading that I can’t relay it all in a blog post. Suffice it to say, once we figured out what was going on, things made sense. Messages came through and, yes, the psychic was right.
Most months, you can find Onae at the Mystic Messengers Psychic Fair. You can also contact her at 651-600-6840 and find her on Facebook as “Tarot by Onae.”
Thanks for reading this post. Let me know what you think.