Margarita’s Ghost Story
“I have heard pounding on the wall just before someone dies.
“I have many, many animals. One day, I was minding my own business. All of the sudden, on the wall *bang, bang, bang.* The cats scattered. Normally, they are cool with noises. I wondered, ‘WTF?’ I checked outside; nothing. About two hours later, my mother called. A relative had died. I’ve noticed that just before a relative dies, I hear ‘boom, boom, boom.’
“This banging has happened with two aunts, a grandma, and several cousins.
“I think it’s a heads up to let me know that they are knocking on heaven’s door. I don’t know who has passed, until I receive a phone call.”
Another Story from Margarita
“When my mother died, I had a very weird weekend. I was out of Tucson, near Prescott. My nephew called and asked if I had heard from my mother. Then, I had a weird feeling of cold on my face. I said, ‘Whatever you are, leave me alone.’
“Later, I heard that my uncle had found my mother on the floor. He had called the paramedics. She had been resuscitated, taken to the ER, then admitted to the ICU.
“I sent out a ‘ping’ and it just kept going. I knew she was gone. When someone is alive, that ping hits and I get a reflection back. It’s like sonar.
“If the soul is still present, the ping returns. If it’s not, the ping keeps going. My mother’s body was being kept alive artificially, but her soul had left.
“Four hours later, my brother called to say she was gone.”
Vee’s Ghost Story
“My friends owned properties in California and they told me that some of the properties had ghosts. The cleaning people in one of the hotels talked about the ghosts. My friends were excited to see what I could find out.
“Whenever my friends went to the penthouse, they would have angry arguments. So, I went to the penthouse and I asked the manager to open the door. As I approached the door, I felt a punch in the solar plexus. Hard. It was like, ‘Stop!’ I felt like I had walked into something, even though it wasn’t there. The punch was so hard that the manager who was behind me, nearly crashed into me.
“There was a very strong, female spirit.
“I kicked the manager out. I told him I needed to have a conversation with this lady. I found out that she was the matriarch of the group. She had died in a fire at that location. She was still there because she thought she was protecting her family. I told her that her family was gone. The people who were there now, were not her family. I told her that she had to respect that fact and let them be.
“The pain from that ‘stop’ sign hurt for the next eight hours. It hurt the entire day. It was that strong. That was the most physical a spirit has been towards me.
“The woman thought she was protecting her family. When I told her that her family was gone and that she had to go and not affect this family, she left.
‘Later, my friends confirmed that a woman had died in a fire.”
Another Story from Vee
“My friends also had an apartment building, but they couldn’t rent out one of the apartments. Turns out, there was a ghost in the apartment. I tuned into him. He was mad because my friend’s mother had not acknowledged him when he had died. He had kept the space.
“This guy was like a maintenance person who had worked for my friend’s mom. I felt that he had died his chair, even though the apartment had been emptied out. I saw a recliner and I saw a TV table with the TV. He had died alone.
“He was mad. He wasn’t going to leave because no one had acknowledged him.
“I asked if it was okay to do a ceremony for him. He said, ‘Sure.’ We were by the beach in San Francisco. My Guides said to get a pinecone, a stone, a feather, and a seashell. I found them all. I went to the ocean and I thanked this guy for all the kind things he had done and for all the wonderful things he had done for the family. His selflessness. Spirit had me throw the stone, throw the seashell, float the feather, and throw the pinecone.
“After the ceremony, the ghost left. Less than a month later, my friends were able to rent out the apartment for the first time in years.
“Later, my friends confirmed that this guy had worked for the family. He had died alone. It freaked me out.”
Has anything like this happened to you?
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