Here are three short ghost stories from psychics:
Vee’s Ghost Story (She told me this story in September, shortly before she passed.)
“When I was a kid, we would drive by graveyards and I would wave and say, ‘Hello.’ It wasn’t until decades later that I told my parents I was psychic. It wasn’t a big deal to them. I asked what gave them a clue I was psychic, but they wouldn’t tell me. Finally, I asked my sister and she said, ‘When we would drive past graveyards, you would wave and say hello.’ I remembered that I would whisper, ‘Hi. Hi.’ I saw them.
“I saw spirits. I saw girls. I saw boys. Those who passed were standing by their tombstones.”
I commented, “They say the spirit moves on. It doesn’t stay in the cemetery.”
Vee responded, “It depends on the spirit and what is going on. Some living people won’t let their spiritual families go. They grieve and they want to keep them around. We need to help that spirit transition so that the living person will live with the memory, instead of holding on to the spirit.”
Kaci’s Ghost Story
“I did a house clearing not too long ago. The woman who lived there, and her daughter, were both Mediums, but they had no idea that they were Mediums. They didn’t realize they could talk to ghosts and that that was what was happening. The daughter communicated in an empathic way. Her skin was burning because she was affected by a ghost which was living in her room. She couldn’t even go to school. Her bedroom used to be her sanctuary and she couldn’t go in it anymore.
“I took this huge crystal (see photo above) and put it in her bedroom. This clear crystal began to turn dark, just sitting in her room absorbing negative energy.
“I sat in that room and said, ‘We need to talk.’ I heard, clear as day, ‘My brother.’ It was as if there was a kid sitting right next to me, telling me, ‘My brother.’ I found out that the house used to be an orphanage. One of the kids had been hit by a car and died. I think this was the sister looking for the brother who had been killed. I feel like they were both ghosts. The sister was stuck behind.
“I said, ‘You can’t find him here, thank you so much. Good-bye.’ Then I cleared the house. I used sage and patchouli. It took a lot. It worked. It cleansed the house to a neutral energy, but they will have to cleanse it regularly.
“I cleared the backyard and marked crosses with holy wood. I could feel a vortex in the middle of the house. I gave them selenite to plant on the corners of the house and inside the house, to help.
“I tried to seal the vortex. The biggest thing is to avoid the area near the closet.”
Richard’s Ghost Story
“One evening, we were eating dinner at El Corralle restaurant. The guy at a nearby table slumped over. He was clearly dead. People kept working on him, but he was dead. What a perfect way to go. Big meal. Don’t even need to pay the check.
“I saw him leave. He just rose up, looked around, then pfft! I think he knew he might have had a heart thing. It’s cool to be ready.”
Check back. More ghost stories are on the way.