Some psychics have told me that when they are doing readings or meditations, they go way out into the non-physical universe. Prior to his death, my friend Randy said he spent as much time on The Other Side as he spent on this side. Another psychic told me that when she went way out during readings, it was sometimes difficult to get her consciousness back into her body.
John Hunter said something similar. He explained that when he visited the non-physical universe, it could be difficult to come back. He had to step down his energy to fit it back into a body.
People who die naturally and are resuscitated often recall near-death experiences (NDEs). They have a clear recollection of all, or part, of their experience on The Other Side. Some psychics recall NDEs complete with the tunnel, the Light, and the choice to stay or to go. People who had been through NDEs told me that dying didn’t hurt, but coming back into their body hurt. When they died, they felt light weight and extremely peaceful. Coming back into their dense bodies, which had been ill or in accidents, was very painful.
People who are held in drug-induced comas often report a different kind of experience. I’ve read a few books written by people who went through this situation. Their experiences were more confusing, and less peaceful, than the experiences of people who had survived natural comas or NDEs. We will have to see what COVID-19 patients report after their drug-induced comas.
On the other hand, one woman told me that when she was in a drug-induced coma, she remembered being in a very peaceful green room with healing energy. She did not experience an NDE. It was more like being in a state of suspended animation.
Another woman said that when she was in natural coma (not drug-induced), things were very calm. She didn’t feel alone. She knew there was a presence with her all the time. She thought he was Jesus.
One psychic did a reading on someone’s aged, ailing dog and reported that the dog, Vincent, didn’t care if he was dead or alive; it was all the same to him. He was not ready to exit, even though his body was tired. He didn’t see the difference between the vessel and his continuous energy. He had the wisdom to know that when the body wanted to be shed, he would keep going freely until he decided to incorporate into another body. He was living in that in-between state.
Prior to death, some people seem to slip from one world to another, then back again. Hospice workers have written about their observations of these patients. They have listened as the living have conversed with the dead.
In some cases, people aren’t sure what to do. Should they stay? Should they go? During a channeling event, Leah Taylor brought this message through:
“A lot of times, as someone is leaving their body and going to The Other Side, they will feel that they need to come back to tell everybody that it is okay on The Other Side. They will try to get back in their bodies. They think, ‘I’m just going to tell them it’s okay and then I am really going to go,’ and then they end up being in the flesh again and going through more of the disease process; or the death process takes longer.”
She added, “As humans, it’s wonderful to have glimpses of The Other Side so you can see that it is okay. These glimpses give you faith because you know from personal experience, because you remember, because you have touched that in Spirit or in meditation.”
I think sleep provides another grey area. Sometimes people slip to The Other Side, experience vivid dreams or out-of-body travel, then return to their bodies and wake up. Psychics have told me how they can work in their dreams. They can astral project and help people in need. They can experience a world beyond their bodies, then wake up in the morning.
Fascinating stuff.
Let me know if you have had similar experiences.