One psychic had two comments which impressed me. She noted that some dead relatives can see a broader perspective of our life than we can see. Those souls CAN give good advice.
She also told me that she is able to contact people who are alive, as well as people who have passed. When she puts out a call for ideas and someone comes forward, she doesn’t always know whether that soul is in a body or not. It’s irrelevant. Good advice is good advice.
My own experience with contacting the dead has been mixed. Sometimes the references are vague, but make sense. A psychic will say, “There is a large table of food. A family celebration.” I can confirm that I shared many family celebrations with the person I think we are contacting.
Other times, there have been references I couldn’t place, such as a toaster and cotton candy.
Sometimes, the references are perfect. A psychic once contacted my father and he mentioned a belt buck I had given to him. I didn’t remember the belt buckle but I found it, years later, when sorting through my mother’s things.
You might remember that a few months ago I wrote a blog about my mother’s family. A psychic had contacted my grandmother and heard that the family had not been as impoverished as I had thought. Later, I discovered photos showing more affluence than I had understood.
Sometimes, the readings are full of love. There is a special feeling, like an atmosphere enveloping the psychic and myself, when the Medium taps into someone who loves me.
One time, we contacted my old boss and he was as funny from the afterlife as he had been in physical life. He told me what he thought, and we had a hearty laugh.
What about advice? Have I received tips from the deceased? I don’t know that I’ve ever asked for recommendations from them. I tend to think that Spirit Guides have advice. I contact deceased friends and relatives to find out how they are doing, and to hope they provide references I can identify so that I know that souls survive the death of the body.* I also ask them for explanations of why things happened the way they happened.
For advice, I turn to Spirit Guides. Sometimes I get it. However, Guides don’t always want to provide suggestions. They want us to make our own choices. Once we have decided what to do, they find ways to support our path.
Where has good advice come from? I’m not sure. One psychic gave me really good input on buying a house and on raising my children. I appreciated that!
The deeper I explore this world of psychics, readings, and messages, the better I understand the nuances.
Have you received good advice? Where has it come from? Living people? Deceased souls? Spirit Guides? The Internet? Let me know who you trust.
* Yes, even after all these years of talking with psychics and receiving messages, I continue to look for evidence that souls survive. How much evidence will be enough for me? I have no idea. Keep it coming. :)