At a recent channeling event, someone asked, “What happens when we sleep? Our physical body is recharged. What about our spirit? What does our spirit do at night?”
Spirit answered:
The body houses the spirit to the best of its ability. When the body slumbers, the spirit is free to be in all its essence.
If the spirit is suppressed during the day, when it has time to breathe, it practically screams “Aaaaa!” It has to let the energy out.
Some people have so much energy to share that they speak, talk, and eat in their sleep. Even as they relax, they keep going and their spirit carries on that energy.
Other people live life in peace. They meditate. They center and ground. At night, their spirit soars. What they do in their daylight hours is magnified in their evening spiritual release. If, during the day, they are concerned with prayers, healing, and helping, when the soul releases in the evening, uncontained, it continues in that mission.
However, if their mission on this life plane is to observe and keep quiet, when their spirit frees itself in the evening, it remains reserved, observing, and attentive to the things that this physical element has drawn it to.
Does the spirit connect with higher levels? Are there reunions of energy so that the spirit can strengthen and guide the physical vessel? Absolutely. It is a tandem dance with what the spirit is doing while in the physical vessel.
Some who work diligently on the physical plane to release hardships and difficulties will find that in the spiritual realm, in the evening, there is assistance with the release. Perhaps, there is a review of events so the person is no longer affected, or a replaying of things in order for there to be a release. Spirit works in tandem with what the vessel is dealing with.
Children connect easily with loved ones on the other side. They may say, “I saw mommy or daddy.” They know mommy and daddy love them. When they sleep, they connect with the other side because there is nothing holding that spiritual energy in the physical body.
Personally, I am a deep sleeper with vibrant dreams. I very much enjoy dreaming. How about you?
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