Would you have children under these circumstances?
In April and May, at two separate channeling events with two different channels, I asked Spirit about the future of the Earth and whether or not people should have children. The answers were similar and are intertwined. I’m not sure I agree with all of this, but here are the messages:
Spirit remarked: “If people did not have children, how would we have survived the last four and a half billion years on this planet? Earth was designed for many manifestations of human beings. It has lots of work yet to do.”
“It is eminently okay to have children.”
The messages went on:
You are stewards of the Earth and must take that responsibility seriously. You won’t want to see the results if nothing changes.
You should be concerned about the increasing aridness of the Earth. This will cause the migration of peoples all over the Earth, including people in this country. Inventions will allow people to live in arid regions, but the transition from today’s technology to tomorrow’s technology will cause people to experience very unpleasant forced migrations in order to survive.
The mountains in AZ will remain cool and will become islands of people living above the greater heat. However, this situation will cause some dissatisfaction among people as they fight for resources.
Remember, climate change is not only brought on by human beings. It is also brought on by the evolutionary voyage of the solar system around the galaxy. Many things repeat in this cycle. However, this cycle is exacerbated by human beings being unkind to the Earth.
Do your own tiny part and speak your own truth.
In the future, there will be a more benevolent relationship between human beings and the Earth. The generation which sought to make “progress” humanity’s goal, is moving into spirit and with them goes that catastrophic pillaging of the Earth. Those who come after have been enlightened by watching the Earth change and they won’t allow that to happen any longer. The Earth will become a more benign place to live, not only regarding plants, animals, and climate, but in the relationship human beings have with one another.
Planetary evolution has occurred since the beginning of time. Changes came gradually, slowly, but continuously. Now, changes are massive because of the tremendous amount of history on Mother Earth. But, you see, everything eventually breaks down. While you may be able to find remnants from past generations and past civilizations, eventually they break down and become a part of Mother Earth.
Nothing is separate from Mother Earth. Everything came from Mother Earth. While something may be in a completely different form because of the way it was manipulated by humanity, it remains what it is, and what it was. “From dust it came and to dust it shall return.” Think about the machinery from the Iron Age. Where did it go? It’s somewhere in Mother Earth.
Mother Nature has experienced huge shifts through the ages. Places which used to be mountains are now under the sea. Beautiful, tremendous mountains and their greenery are underwater and have formed a whole different life cycle. No less life, but very different from what they were created and intended to be, and yet created with the intention that eventually they would be underwater. At the other end of the spectrum, areas which were underwater have risen.
Earth will continue to self-monitor and adjust as needed, just as human bodies have adjusted. The body no longer eats the things it ate 2000 years ago. Food was processed differently so long ago. Yet the body has adjusted to absorb what is being presented. Was that the original design? The original design was to be able to adjust in the needs that it would have. Mother Earth was designed to adjust in the needs that she would be meeting, not only in this century, but in many, many millennia to come.
So, yes, it’s okay to have children. They will survive and evolve, just like Mother Earth.
Those were the messages. Let me know what you think.