Working with our ability to re-focus, let’s think about something uplifting. Listen to this message which came through a psychic who I don’t know (but that’s another story).
She said:
“You are one thing: divine. Unique, special, incredible. Live this and know this; bring about that truth in this Earthly realm. Know that you are a being of incredible energy. Energy vibrates at a certain frequency. The higher you meditate, gravitate toward the light, the more you believe in yourself, the better your life becomes, and the energy that you have in this life.”
“Live in the lower energies of false beliefs and you will be shackled to those beliefs. Live in the highest level of truth, honor and integrity, and you will be unshackled from the cross. You will be able to see and resurrect yourself into the purity of your life.”
“You are multi-dimensional beings, sitting in the heaven world, sitting on Earth, maybe even enjoying parallel lives.”
“As we live our lives with compassion, dedication, sincerity, truth, honor and integrity, we’re living the energy of divine Source. We are living the energy of pure holiness, divine grace.”
I try to remember who we are and that we can bring light and joy to this world. Personally, I look forward to this season.
Of course, if the impending holidays fill you with more stress than joy, remember another part of the channeling:
“Each person who has passed through our lives has left an imprinted message. We take those messages deep within our consciousness and we evaluate, ‘Is this something which is going to help me grow?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Is this something which is going to help me change?’ ‘Yes.’ Every one who has passed through has left a part of themselves, their belief systems. If you don’t like who is around you, walk out and move on.”
“Whatever has transpired in your life was a message for you to look at and to move beyond.”
“I say to you, ‘Change the bound around.’"
Lately, I’ve been thinking about success and what it means in the different facets of my life. I know there are areas where I am blissfully successful and areas which have not been so rewarding. I ponder those words, “Change the bound around.” I love that.
Enjoy your week.
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