A couple of years ago, I wrote about Sandra Easley who “walks babies to the edge of The Veil.” She can see into the next world. Turns out, this may be more common than I had thought.
Raymond Moody and Paul Perry’s book, “Glimpses of Eternity - Sharing a Loved Ones Passage from this Life to the Next” (2010, Guideposts, New York), explains this phenomenon as one type of Shared Death Experience.
You may recognize Raymond Moody’s name from his extensive work with people who had Near-Death Experiences (NDEs). He was the person who collected the raw stories, then tried to make sense of them. After publishing the NDE work, people began telling him about things which had happened to them while their loved one was dying. In his new work, he collects stories from healthy people who have had curious experiences at the deathbed of a friend or relative.
In my work, people have told me similar stories.
* One woman remarked that as her father was dying, she asked her deceased sister to help him. The sister materialized and helped their father. My friend saw this as it happened.
* A hospice worker told me that at the moment of death, she sees a mist rising from the body of the deceased. She assured me that this is a common experience among hospice workers and nurses.
* Cyndi Clark explained that when her mother was dying, even though the mother was unconscious, Cyndi could psychically hear the mother conversing with people on the other side. This event opened her desire to learn about parapsychology.
People don’t have to be in the room with the dying to experience these phenomena. Sometimes, they have an odd dream or experience, then find out that their friend or relative has passed.
People who are in the room may experience the event along with the person who is dying. According to Dr. Moody, bystanders may have seven potential experiences. Some people have just one of these phenomenon, other people have several of them.
1) Change of Geometry: The room seems to change shape, perhaps becoming like an hourglass or a vortex, and there is a feeling of being in a different dimension.
2) Mystical Light: The room fills with an unusual type of bright light. Sometimes, the light seems to emanate from the dying person’s body.
3) Music: People hear beautiful, complex music, without a source for the music. In one case, two people in the room with the dying person heard the music, and so did the person downstairs in the kitchen. She came upstairs to find out what was happening.
4) Out-of-Body Experience: Observers will lift out of their bodies along with the deceased. They will float above the room, acknowledging each other. People realize that the dead person looks happy. Seeing that the person is happy and well, is a wonderful antidote to grief.
5) Co-Living a Life Review: Bystanders feel a surge of energy, then go through the life review with the dead person, even seeing things which may have happened before they met. One wife saw her husband’s dating life prior to their meeting and was later able to find photos of the women in his high school yearbook. Another woman saw her son’s private life and later recognized people, and visited places, she had seen during the life review.
6) Encountering Unworldly or “heavenly” Realms: The witness enters the heavenly realm with their loved one, up until a certain boundary. At that time, the deceased person moves forward, and the living person returns to their body. This explains Sandy’s ability to walk babies to the edge of The Veil.
7) Mist at Death: People may see a mist rising from the dying person’s body. Some people say it looks like fog, or like smoke from a candle which has been snuffed out. The smoke wafts upwards. Sometimes, it seems to form a human shape. In other cases, bystanders have seen the deceased rise from their body and walk away.
A few years ago, I asked Enza Piazza, “Do you see the soul leave the body?”
Enza answered, “Yes. When they take the last breath, I have seen a mist leave the body. It’s gone. People think of death as being such a hard thing, but it’s actually beautiful. There is a fruity smell at the end. It’s the body shutting down and the spirit moving on. It makes a full circle. Closure. In an instant, people leave this Earth. The body says, ‘I’m done’ and the spirit goes.”
Dr. Moody didn’t list this as one of the phenomena, but there are several stories of people seeing or hearing deceased relatives who are in the room with the person who is dying. They share the person’s deathbed visions.
Of course, not all people have these experiences when they witness someone’s death.
People who have had a shared death experience with one person and have had a second loved one die, may not have had the same experience twice. Why? No one knows.
When discussing near-death experiences, scientists often suggest that the hallucinations of a dying brain cause people to see the tunnel, see their relatives, and begin a life review. In the case of Shared Death Experiences, normal, healthy people are having these experiences and no such explanation applies.
Have you had a similar experience when you were with a dying loved one? You can jot your notes down and send them to me at gail@MyPsychicSearch.com.