In preparation for September 11 rolling around again, I want to share three stories from psychics about their experiences in the days leading up to September 11, 2001.
Nancy Parsons told me:
“When something traumatic was going to happen in the world, I would feel it in advance and it took me a long time to figure out what was going to happen. Things would happen to me, physically, and I would think that we were going to have an earthquake.
“The day before 9/11, I was ill. I kept saying to my sister, ‘There’s something wrong with me. My head is spinning. I want to throw up.’ She thought I might be dehydrated or hungry, but I wasn’t. I started to walk across the room and I fell to my knees. I just dropped. The top of my head started vibrating. I had no idea what this was. ‘There’s a disruption in the force.’ Do you remember Obi-Wan Kenobi saying that in ‘Star Wars’? It’s that same sort of thing.
“Ten hours later, people were jumping out of buildings. My body told me immediately, ‘Do you understand that this is why we were trying to give you this information?’ What was I going to do with the information? I went to G-d, ‘What was I supposed to do, call the airplanes?’
“I said, ‘If it’s something where I can make a difference, I’m happy to be the carrier for the information even if people tell me that I’m nuts.’ They stopped pushing this on me. Many things are happening and I don’t want to know about them in advance. I can’t be a conduit for every train crash or fire.”
Maryushka shared the same kind of stories. She remarked:
“When I was about 22, I had a summer job as a telephone solicitor. I was at work. I was in Delaware and my father was in NY. I had his heart attack at the same time he did. Only I didn’t have a heart attack. I threw myself on my desk. Everything went black around me. People ran over with water and everything else, and I said, ‘I have to go home. I don’t know what’s the matter, but I have to go home.’
“Basically, I crawled the two blocks home. I threw myself onto the couch and immediately fell into a deep sleep. My ex-husband came home around 5:30 p.m. I didn’t even tell him what had happened. By then, I was fine. At 8:30 p.m., my mother called and told me that my father had had a heart attack at 1 p.m., exactly when I had had my experience. He lived. This was his first heart attack and he lived.
“I’ve come to know, over time, that when I get the terrible death feelings, and I go through this type of thing, it’s because there is a struggle. Someone doesn’t know whether they are going or coming. Or, there is some purpose; they are passing something to me. Later, I find out. It was so bad in my 20s, that I would get these feelings and I would just have to sit down and wait to see who was going to call and tell me what had happened.”
Later in our interview, Maryushka added:
“I’ve gone through some horrible psychic experiences. Anybody who has the gift has had some horrible stuff which has happened. Visions. Terrible visions that you can’t do anything about.
“The biggest one in the ‘terrible’ category was 9/11. In January 2001, I had a psychic lock in a reading on what was going to happen, but I didn’t know where or when. I spent the summer literally on the couch holding my head. My head hurt so much that summer.
“Every year, our Maj Jong group goes away and I read for everybody. That year wasn’t so good for me and I didn’t want a reading. They encouraged me to read for myself. I laid out the cards in my Tree of Life reading, and the thing came to life. I saw the towers and I saw the people jumping. The fire was raging. It was everything. It was all my senses. I could feel the flames. I got hysterical. This was the first and only time this ever happened. I was screaming that it wasn’t about me. But I had a psychic lock on the event.”
Maryushka explained that there were two kinds of premonitions. The first type was a warning about something which was preventable. The second type was not preventable. She called it a “lock.” She was locked into this image.
Maryushka continued:
“In September, it happened. I was in front of my TV while it was happening. Immediately, one of the women who had been at the reading said, ‘This is what you saw.’ It was the exact picture. People were jumping off the tower into the flames. It was horrible.”
“For two years after this occurred, I read for no one. I was afraid that I would be with some stranger and it would happen again. I didn’t want to see it again. It was much more than seeing it. Normally when I do a reading, I see the cards. This was not seeing; it was a three-dimensional experience. Way more horrifying.”
Meanwhile, Delphina Nova had a dream about 9/11 thirty years before it happened. She was a child. It was before the towers had been built. This dream changed her life. It woke her up. She lost her childhood innocence.
What can we learn from these experiences? There are two kinds of premonitions: (1) those which can let us know something is going to happen so we can change/avoid the situation, and (2) those which we cannot affect.
Intuitives are often happy to have premonitions which are warnings, so that they can avoid a situation. The premonitions about unavoidable events are harder to deal with. If they don’t have enough information to warn someone about an upcoming event, or if it’s an inevitable event, psychics have to figure out what to do, if anything, with this information.
As September 11 approaches, let’s remember those who died, those who suffered, and the heroes of the moment.
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