In a recent channeling, Spirit explained that when people band tightly together, their connection acts like a netting. A netting that is very close can act like a sieve. But when the netting is spread out, things can seep through. What kinds of things seep through? Old ideas and perspectives.
It is time to let go of old ideas. By being separated, individuals can clear out the tremendous energy which was being retained by being together in tight groups, whether those groups had high, or low, vibrations. Separation allows each person to discover who they are and how they can shine in their arena.
In addition, everyone needs to feel who they are so they no longer say, “Well, all of society is this way.”
Spirit went on to remind us that people have not been completely isolated. They may be physically distanced, but remain loosely connected with their group.
Every day is a growth process, an opportunity to look at how far we have come and what is important to us.
We all have instincts. We shared Neanderthal beginnings. Over time, we outgrew those instincts and sought to do better -- to educate and humanize ourselves. We have come a long way. To continue this growth, we can send the vibrating energy of empowerment to all which is truthful, fair, kind, and loving.
When we find an opinion, a statement, a comment, or an action, that is so contrary to anything we understand, or relate to, it shows how far our evolution has come.
When we see the pain of others, we can understand pain, whether or not we fully comprehend their situation. To heal those who ache, send a hug, send love, send peace. There is no need to understand any particular trigger to know that people are hurting.
As lightworkers, we have been separated so that we can each work in our own arena, sending peace, harmony, and health to our communities. We are the encouragement for ourselves, our families, and our communities. We cannot dim our lights, our truths, or our beliefs, regardless of how dark it is around us. Light always illuminates the dark. Remember that. Empower others to be the light where they are. It matters.