Life has a balance and a flow. It’s important to congratulate ourselves for the areas where we are doing well, in addition to dwelling on the areas where we could do better. It’s easy to lose our balance and focus only on our inadequacies.
Spirit says that we are here for experiences. There are times when we do the right thing and times when we do the “wrong” thing, just for the experience of doing something out of character. Once we have learned from our mistakes, we don’t need to try them again.
So, in ruminating over the things we think we have done poorly, we shouldn’t just castigate ourselves. We should look to see if our soul benefited in some way from trying the experience of doing something “bad.”
I’m not a fan of self-flagellation. I can’t avoid it. It happens. Something humiliating enters my mind and I play it over and over. Most of the time, I’ve put more emphasis on it than any other person who was involved. I diverge. My point is that I don’t think we have to beat ourselves up when we make a mistake. Instead, we can learn the lesson and make a course correction.
A few years ago, I heard this message channeled through a friend:
“Some of you feel that you have literally been on a roller coaster of life. You have had ups and downs. Some have been too high and some have been too low. Know that you would not have missed it for anything. The road has a way of balancing out. What goes up, must come down, and it is all okay. It is all in the ride of life. Yes, it is true that there is a balancing. Those who were not nurtured will have nurturing. Those who have had plenty of nurturing will be in the position to nurture others. That is the flow. That is the gift. That is the blessing.”
Another person channeled:
“Keep track of yourself, for you are the most important part of your world. Do the things which make you happy, which please you. That give you reward, that give you a sense of accomplishment, a sense of being needed, and a sense of fulfillment.”
“Know that there are no mistakes and no reason to beat yourself up over something. These are just experiences. Some are more gratifying than others, but there again, just experiences. You are a creator and sometimes you forget that. You forget about creating your experience, creating the things which come down the pike to fill your world, to fill your experience.”
“In the scheme of things, everything is perfect as it is. Shift your perception of all that you do, all that you achieve, and see the perfection in yourself.”
“Your path is your path and it is perfect no matter what turn or branch you take.”
“Know the love we send to you and the joy that we have helping you. We ask that you do not forget us. We are at your beck and call to assist in any way we can. Be satisfied with how you have done. You have done a grand job. Perfect in every respect.”
“Say, ‘It’s going to be a wonderful day, abundant, superb. I’m going to be happy and enjoy whatever happens.’ That way, you leave it open for adventure and new things. Enough specificity that you are in control, but enough non-specific that you allow Source to bring your desires.”
“You are this magnificent being who has unlimited power and can come in and alter situations. For each and every one of you, the experience is a precious thing. The experience. That is why you are here. The experience to create, the experience of physicality, the experience of touch, the experience of all the jagged emotions.”
All the experiences, all the jagged emotions. We are doing the best we can to live out the life we need. No need for regrets. No need for self-punishment. Made a mistake? Learn the lesson, improve, and move on.