Coy shared this story:
“When I was much younger, I was with a friend. We weren’t spiritualists then, we just knew some stuff.
“A big Sun Deva resides on Palomar Mountain and we went up there.
“At the time, Palomar Mountain had a two-room schoolhouse, and I was employed by the school district as a teacher. One building was older than the other one. We were cleaning up the older building. I was going to teach the younger kids, kindergarten through fourth grade. I wanted the older building because the bathrooms were inside and there was a lot of snow. The little kids would be safe.
“My friend and I were there in August, cleaning before the school year started. We didn’t know anything. Well, we had some knowledge, but I didn’t have a spiritual teacher, and we weren’t reading or studying together. We were willing to learn, and maybe we had innate knowledge.
“We were setting up the classroom. Everything was clean and ready to go, but we couldn’t leave. I asked my friend, ‘What’s going on?’ She didn’t know.
“We sat and we thought. We felt an old, old-style schoolteacher, a man who was very harsh. He was a very strong energy. We didn’t want that energy, so we sent it on its way.
“Then we could feel other people who were there; who were kept there. We looked at each other. One of us finally said, ‘There was a fire here.’ They had all died, but they hadn’t left.
“Then, this sounds crazy, but we felt the form of a huge eagle sit on top of the roof. With his claws, the eagle lifted the top off of the building and all of these people blessed us as they left. They just kept going.
“I’m sure at some point in history, there had been a fire and people had been caught on the mountain as it was burning. They couldn’t get out. They were trapped by their thoughts. Lifting the top off allowed them to go. We could feel them go. We felt the roof set back down.
“Our energy was there to witness it. Was our energy necessary? At this point I would say, we were there with the right energy. We had cleaned up the room, so they had asked us to clean up the rest of it too.
“My friend turned to me and said, ‘Look at your hands!’ Do you know the movie Starman? You’ll have to watch it. She said, ‘You are going to be a healer. In your hands, they have just placed these little, round, blue balls. This is going to be healing. Keep your hands out for a bit.’ The balls went into my hands.
“It was the first time I knew that there was a bigger story than the world we knew here. It’s no trouble at all for me to believe that we are Star People. We are Star Seed.
“This is the last part of the story. We still hadn’t left. I moved to another table. The school had old-fashioned windows. They used to make them so they went out and a chain held them. We had a window open so I walked over to shut the window. As I was reaching up, my friend grabbed me and yelled, ‘Get away from there!’ I couldn’t see this, but there was a huge, pea green energy rolling down the hill, coming right at that window. I jumped out of the way. She said, ‘You can’t stand there, it’s going to hit the window!’
“After a while, she said she didn’t know where the energy had gone. I shut the window and we left.
“The next day I returned for the first day of school. I got there at 7 a.m. and that window had been broken out. There was glass all over the floor. I still don‘t know what that was about. Either we didn’t let everything out and it needed a way out, or there was something which was upset that we were cleaning. I don’t know. I called over to the observatory and they sent a guy to clean up the mess and put in new glass.”
Coy Johnston passed into spirit earlier this month. Sharing this story is a tribute to her and her life. I only met Coy once, but she had a lot of wisdom to share.
Rest in peace, Coy.
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