Everyone I interviewed believed in (and often remembered experiencing) reincarnation on Earth. They all agreed that consciousness survives death and that we can choose where and when to reincarnate. We come back into bodies to further our soul’s growth. Once we have learned all that we need to know, we are re-absorbed into the Universal Source of Energy.
According to the psychics, we travel in groups and help each other grow. Each lifetime, the souls in our circle play different roles so that they can learn from their role while also helping the rest of their group. For example, a mother may have a daughter in one incarnation, but the next time around, the daughter is the mother and the mother is the daughter . . . or the husband . . . or the cousin . . . or the employer. This is why people often recognize souls from previous lifetimes.
Recently, a couple of people shared their own stories related to previous lives on Earth.
Mark Janssen, a Mystic who sees G-d and angels, writes a weekly blog. His work is to assist souls in moving to The Other Side.
Last week, Mark wrote about visiting Europe, touring old buildings, and reconnecting with people he had known in the past. This is a fascinating excerpt from Mark’s blog:
“In Toulouse, I had been in the museum that was the Augustinian monastery in the old city. The best part of the museum was the building, in spite of the many beautiful statues. The statues did not hold memories for me. The building, the souls I saw of men who had lived there since the early fourteenth century, all made me cold. I cut short my visit there. In spite of the kindness of some of the spirits I saw there, even in death some of the former Augustinian monks were best left to their own.
“I went out into the beautiful brightness of the summer sun. There, I escaped around a group of loud, rude American businessmen in my successful search for a café where I could warm up and calm down.
“Later on, I went to a place I had been avoiding for reasons my conscious mind could not grasp.
“Several winding blocks away is the Couvent des Jacobins, the former Dominican monastery. Like the Augustinians, the property was seized during the French Revolution and the men disbanded. One might think that since both the Augustinians and Dominicans follow the Rule of St. Augustine, and live in many similar ways, that they might have gotten along.
“Au contraire.
“The times I went back to the old Dominican monastery during my last visit were some of the best times I had in Toulouse. As I entered the Jacobin church, a familiar voice called my name. But I was not called by the name I have now. It was a name I had centuries ago which, honestly, I have only heard myself called in that church and the surrounding monastery. Nowhere else in Toulouse or, for that matter, the world. I can no longer remember what I was called back then.
“I walked all the way around the walls of the church. Examining them as if for evidence that I should not recognize the place while, with each step, I was ever more convinced that I had been here, lived here in earlier times. The voice became louder as I came closer to a small modern chapel area within the larger church. There was a huge gold box under the altar. I read the sign that it held the bones of Thomas Aquinas. Laughter came from the box. I started laughing silently. I suddenly recognized the voice. Thomas is an old friend. We worked together at the universities in Toulouse, Paris, and other cities. The difference between us was that Thomas was a good man who followed the rules. I was not.
“Thomas and I telepathically talked on and on. We chatted about the places we’d been together. The work we’d done. Our confreres and others we had known. When we finished catching up, I continued the tour around what was left of the church. Then, out a different door into the cloister. There, I ran into the souls of many brother monks I had known and worked with centuries earlier. One of them was the soul of a young man who had been my scribe in an earlier time and with whom I have worked in this life.
“As I continued visiting that city and the whole South of France I kept running into men and women whom I had known over the course of many centuries. Some places were jarringly wrong like Cannes and Monaco. Those two cities lost much of their souls in the course of revolutionary destruction and then in becoming tourist traps of the twentieth century.
“A few years later, and thousands of miles away, I met up with my soul twin again. We hadn’t seen each other in over one hundred years. Eventually, I told him about my trip back to where we used to live, in southern France, hundreds of years ago. I told him about going to the former Dominican monastery and the old Augustinian monastery in Toulouse. He instantly recalled it. Memories of the Augustinians gave him the terrors as they had me. However, he had a more visceral reaction. He asked me why mere mention of the Augustinians should shake him so badly. I reminded him that it was because he had once mouthed off again, as usual, to a bunch of the Augustinians outside of their house. They grabbed him and threw him into their secret prison. With the consent and approval of their superior, a particularly unsavory creature, they tortured him. Some of us Dominicans popped him out. He had been whipped, thrown on the rack and left half dead. We hid Bill in the Dominican monastery where we gradually got him back to health. When he was well again we sneaked him out of town in the dead of night. Successfully outside the city walls, we sent him into hiding in a remote place for what was supposed to be a very long time. He quickly grew bored — my brother always gets bored — and returned to Paris to raise some Cain.
“Ah, good times!”
You can read Mark’s entire blog at https://markjjanssen.medium.com/middling-ages-f8c2cd0f6d30
Another person shared a more recent story with me. She told me that when her daughter was two or three years old, she was sitting on her daughter’s bed, reading a story to her. The little girl said that the mother had also been her mother the last time. She asked what the girl was talking about. The little girl looked straight into her soul and said that she had been her mommy the last time – before she had been in her tummy again. Then, she added that that was time the man brought a letter that made her sad. Her husband, a soldier, had been killed or wounded. The man had been riding a horse. Later, in a past life reading or regression, the woman received confirmation that her husband had been a soldier and that she had received a letter about him.
Years ago, a blog reader wrote this message which sums things up so well:
“Our immortal soul, pure energy of love, can reincarnate in several lives, to work out a theme on a particular emotion. In past life cycles you have experienced, it's possible that you encountered the theme as a victim or as the person who inflicted the emotional traumas upon another human. All the themes and emotions are reflected in the people and situations in this life we're living here, right now.
“We're creating this together in order to grow. Getting the insights and understanding in letting go. In this life it's important to integrate the emotions, let the emotions go, and make the choice to forgive; making the real important choices in life from your heart. Connecting to the core of your soul, being, pure energy, pure loving Light.
“When the life cycle is done, you will return to the source, the Light, to meet your family and friends again, leaving your loved ones behind in grief and sorrow. In the Light, we agree with our best friends to help accomplish our task on earth, arranging the situations in this life. You'll meet the people you need.
“Love and life is what you want to experience, time after time, until it's the right time. The moment is present to reach your full potential in this lifetime. Our full potential in ourselves is already there. Let us connect and create heaven on earth.
“Love and Light,
Love and light to you, too.