Our current president is an isolationist. He came into power proclaiming, “America First,” then withdrew the U.S. from peace treaties, trade agreements, and international alliances. He thrives on a chaotic Oval Office. He enjoys being unpredictable. He does not build alliances. No one knows what is going to happen until he tweets.
What about the rest of us? How has his manifestation played out in our lives? He wanted isolation, now we are isolated in our homes. He canceled alliances, now we have canceled social engagements, club meetings, and charitable connections. Employees who used to go to offices, sit in homes and work remotely. We can’t look people in the eye at the grocery store. He enjoys chaos, now we can’t depend on institutions. We live in unpredictability: will schools re-open? Will sports resume? How will we move forward?
More manifestation examples: He’s not religious. Churches no longer meet.
He’s doesn’t believe in public education. Our educational system is flailing.
He has encouraged physical violence at his rallies. Now people are wary of leaving their homes for fear of being beaten for their skin color, ethnicity, or head covering.
He didn’t want Mexican people coming here. He wanted stronger borders. Now the Mexican people don’t want us going there. They want stronger borders, but for a completely different reason.
He values competition, winning, and power. Winners and losers. He punishes people who won't carry out his mission. What happened to consensus building?
This is his manifestation and we are players in his drama.
I’m looking at the big picture, at the ability of one person to manifest his values in such a way that everyone is affected. I suppose it’s not just manifestation. In this case, it’s a combination of manifestation and power.
He may not have created the virus, but he allowed it to carry out his mission. He didn’t use the tools the nation had to fight the virus’ spread. He didn’t ask us to pull together in this crisis. Instead of a cohesive national strategy, he pitted states against states. Now, people are living physically, emotionally, and socially-distanced lives while arguing about how to move forward.
Let’s flip the script and imagine a person of power setting out to manifest a world of peace, freedom, and prosperity. The world I want to live in would be kind, cooperative, and reliable. Remember win/win?
Given this situation, we must build peace and cooperation from the bottom up. Let’s find a way to either get along with each other, or stay apart so we don’t hurt each other. Apply the Golden Rule. Enjoy freedom in life as long as no one gets hurt. Treat people fairly.
I recently read, “We can be bitter or we can be better.” Instead of giving up in exasperation, let’s manifest love, peace, fairness, and kindness in our homes, then expand these delights to our communities and to the world.
We can break these bonds. We are not bound by another person’s manifestation. We are also powerful creators. We are free people who can manifest a better world.