Our Dear Ones,
Use your focus and your vision to look for the desirable effect in everything. To look for the good, the positive, the healing, the nurturing aspect of everything.
To truly live your belief that we are all co-creators in the divine, and everything is unfolding exactly as it should, means there is a higher synergy, a higher energy in place. You will see what you hone your eyes to see, what you have allowed your hearts to feel, and what you have allowed your essences to feel.
If you look for the imperfection, it will glare. If you dig until you find that nugget, that precious gem in the lesson, in the experience, in the person, in the travel, you will find it. If you have made your life’s focus to find that little seed of positive healing, restorative truth, you are wealthy. Your joy comes from knowing you knew it was there. You didn’t give up. You found it. You saw it. You recognized it and called it by name.
Truly knowing that you are co-creators with the divine means your focus is like a precision surgical instrument that can cut through and find what you seek.
Guard your emotions to look for the good. Guard your thought process to look for a higher understanding.
Know that, no different than an artist chooses every single stroke and every single shade and nuance of a color on a palette, on a canvas, and every one of them adds to the totality of the masterpiece (whether you see it as a masterpiece or not) you are the hues and the shades and the variance that the divine created for contrast and for accent in this world. Do not tone it down; do not wash it out. Be boldly, brightly who and what you are. Know that that is your divine gift because you are one of the sacred, selected hues and colors in the tapestry of this life.
All that you seek is available to you. “Ask and you shall receive” is meant with such a clarity. If you want to know, you will know. If you want to see, you will see. If you want to be, you will be.
We go before you. We honor your path, as well as the path of many who have walked before and many who will walk in the future. All paths are honorable, whether or not you know how they assist the whole.
We leave that with you and bless you.
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Thank you, Laurie Hays, for channeling this lovely message.
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