For the last few months, I've been reading my old journals and thinking about how much of life we remember and how much we forget. I’ve reviewed old letters which I sent or received. I’ve looked through old photos. I’ve read about pieces of my life which I had forgotten. A few things surprised me during this process:
1) Things remembered and things forgotten
I remembered a lot, but I had also forgotten about many activities, events, and people. Had I gone to an Old Time Fiddler’s Contest in Harper’s Ferry? I don’t remember attending that event, but my journal tells a funny story of car camping in the rain.
Here’s another one: I dated a guy named Steve for several months. I wrote down his name, but I can’t remember anything about him. We went out for a good six months and I have no idea who he is.
2) How we remember things
There are people and events which I remember, but when I read the old notes, I find that I don’t remember things the way they actually happened. For example, I recall being in college, working very hard and spending most of my time on classes and homework. Looking at my old calendars, I find a big social/party component to my life. Lots of bars with lots of bands. I don’t remember going out, or drinking, that much!
I also recall one particular relationship during which I was a nervous wreck. I had a huge crush. When I look at my notes, I find I had a very pragmatic thought process, although I was still flustered whenever we were together. I had quite a mature attitude. Who knew?
3) The emotional component of memory
In some cases, I had forgotten the details of events and relationships, but when I reviewed my journals, I recaptured the feelings of the moment. I felt the angst of liking a guy who didn’t like me at the same level. I felt the joy of the first few dates with someone; the excitement of wondering, “Is this the one?!?”
I dated a lot of guys and as I read about these old encounters, each one had a different feeling to it, as if there was a different chemical mix when we came together. Perhaps this is what is meant when people talk about “vibrations.” Each chemical reaction provided a different vibration, a different feeling.
Through the letters I received from others, I see them going through these same kinds of life events and relationships. This odd assortment of incidents makes a life.
When we think about our lives, we frame them in story form -- “This is the story of what happened.” When I look at the old notes, it's not always easy to make a story. Some relationships/interactions/events are fragmented. They happened over time in a way which went forward, then backward, then forward again. It’s not easy to mash these memories into a story.
So what’s the point of this blog post? Life is comprised of small daily moments and big life altering events. They all count. It’s easy to remember the big moments and easy to forget the small ones, but when we look back, we see the path we have taken.
A divorce isn’t a failure, it’s a step along our path which brings us to who we are today.
I also realize that feelings are significant. Joy. Nostalgia. A heart full of love. It’s delightful to recapture the feeling of joy from an event which happened decades ago. Reliving the emotion makes it feel like yesterday. I was surprised at how easily I could slip back into the feeling of an event.
Sometimes when I am in a powerful session with a psychic, I feel the same kind of huge emotional milieu. We tap into something deep. A deep joy. A sense of mystery. A feeling that we are part of something bigger than our daily lives. It is a love energy.
I have been fortunate to have had some guidance during this lifetime. I did not have parents who gave me useful life advice. Instead, I spoke with psychics who gave me clues and strategies, and reminded me that there were things (and people) which I could not change. They gave me suggestions for dealing with challenges, and reminded me to pick my battles wisely.
I also had my personal Spirit Guides, but they were difficult to hear. I needed help to identify their input, although I credit a few epiphanies along the way to my Guides. A few good ideas came from nowhere. Thanks, guys!
I encourage each of you to jot down a few lines about your life so you can remember the richness of living. It is a physical and emotional adventure.
Take care.