Second, I want to share my experience of visiting friends and relatives in the hospital. This isn’t about my husband; it’s a broader conversation.
When I visit my friends in the hospital, they are either awake, asleep, or being held unconscious by drugs so that they can heal.
When people are awake, I help them pass the time with interesting stories and conversation. Being alone in the hospital can be boring and tedious. I also advocate on their behalf, making sure their nursing needs are met.
When they are asleep, I’ll stay for a while, sit in a chair, and send good vibes their way.
When they are held in an unconscious state, I will sit close to the bed and hold their hand if that is possible. As I hold their hand, I fill myself with love and healing, then try to send this loving energy through our hands. It feels good to bathe in this kind of time-independent state of energy transfer.
When someone is in the hospital with a serious issue, they may have the choice to remain alive or to pass to the other side. It is completely their choice. I sit with them and I pray that they have the strength and the courage to do what they need to do, whether that is to recover or to slide onward. It’s not my decision to make. It’s not my place to beseech the universe for their recovery. It is my place to love them and support them in their desires.
Years ago, a channeler brought through messages of how to help those who are between the realms and deciding whether to stay or to go. The message was to let them select what is best for them. We are not to beg them to stay on our behalf. This causes the kind of confusion where they might be ready to go, but they feel they have to come back to tell us that they have been to the other side and it looks fine. They don’t want us to worry. However, in coming back to share that insight, they can get stuck in their body and suffer through more of the disease process. It is better to support them and wish them well with their choices.
On the other hand, I have preferences too. While I know it is the other person’s decision to make, I can express my desire that they stay. I love them. I want them in my life and they should know that. Yet, I respect whatever decision they make.
Of course, it is sometimes the case with the elderly or the very ill, that it might be best for them to let go and move on. They can recover on the other side. We must acknowledge this situation too.
After they pass, we can send them the strength for an easy transition. Again, it is not our place to implore them to stay with us. This kind of desire works at cross purposes and can confuse the spirit. Our longing for them may delay their complete crossing to the other side. Instead, let them go, with love.
Around the world, patients lie in hospital beds. When we are not in the hospital, it is easy to forget the life and death decisions being made every day. Let’s send healing energy to all those who would like to accept that energy. Let’s pray for their strength to make their best decisions and let us accept the decisions they make.
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